26 days to go

107 9 2

I awoke once again in my tiny room. I slowly slid out of my bed, and to my surprise i was still in my school uniform! Why didn't i put my pyjamas on last night? I wondered. Then it all came back to me. The trespassers, the face in the mirror, tue fight. I wondered over and looked at myself in the mirror hanging from the wall. The rim of my eyes where still a little yellow and some of the veins in my neck where still black, but other then that, i was back to normal.

At the back of my mind, something was telling me i had forgotten something. Oh I hate that feeling! But what was it? I knew it was something I despretly needed to tell mum, but what was it?

Of corse the Irish trust passers. Mum wouldn't know. "Mum, mum, mum" i yelled as i dogged the book filled flaw and ran out the room. I tripped down tue stairs and into the living room. "Cub? Is that you? Clara?" she called back "oh my love, i was so worried you'd never wake up" she said, pulling me into a tight hug as we met at the living room door way. "No mum theres no time for that know" i said pushing her off me "that Irish knew boy I tolled you about, he's a wolf, his pack are trespassing onto our land" i said in a rush,

"I know cub, calm down, Mathew tolled us every thing" she replayed calmly. "What do they want?" i asked

"Well not to worry you but normally when something like this happens, there trying to take over the packs territory" she replied,

"But in order to that they must-"

"yes" she said "kill the alfa" her face saddened. Unlike many packs, we got along with our alfa rather well. He never made us do anything we really didn't want to, and he often allowed us cubs to join in on the wolf events and festivals! Apart from things that involved everyone changing for health and safety reasons... And that we cant change into our wolf forms of corse. "Not that I have anything agents the Irish like, but i don't want them to take over. What if there alfa isn't like Cael! What if it makes us do stuff we really don't want to!" i said in a panic

"Calm down Cub we don't what the want yet, they might just be passing through" dad said

"Ye and enrol in a school wail there at it! No there here to stay" i snapped

"ok ok, we can talk about this later. You go back to bed" mum said guiding me back up the thin staircase "ill get you something to eat, what would you like?" she asked. I suddenly realised that i was actually starving. "Anything meat related" i said

"that would be your blood changing, we often get meat cravings" mum explained and guided me through the maze of books on the floor to my bed before leaving for the kitchen.

I sat down on my bed, when a thought hit me. How long had i been out? Not long enough for mum to call a doctor clearly. But then again, that wouldn't be very wise; in case they did a blood test. A doctor would be able to spot some dogey blood anywhere.

I grabbed my iPod off the side and clicked it open. 19th September. Two days!! No wonder she was so clingy. Mum walked back in with a plate full if chicken. "Two days!" i squeaked,

"Ye when your close to transforming for the first time, you tend go get very tired because your body is getting itself ready. Don't worry about it cub. When i was your age i would occasionally sleep for days and says on end. An entire week once!" I razed my eyebrows before tucking into the meat filled tray. She laughed at me and patted my hair down. I smiled back at her.


Hello to all my readers, i just whant to say thanx a bunch for actuly whanting to read this and that i promisse once the more exciting parts kick off im sure the chapters will be much longer.

Plz remember to tell me what u think and any ideas will be grate :)

Thanx agen


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