29 days to go

177 9 3
  • Dedicated to Alice Farrar

I sat bolt up in my bed and stared around the room. I felt a small grin slide across my face. Nothing could spoil my mood today, not my tiny room that could only fit a bed a wardrobe and a chest of draws, no the fact that the wonderful books i loved took up most of the flaw space, not even my older sister and her snappy comments about my friends and there geeky fashion sense!

Today was not only my sixteenth birthday, it was the day i transform into a wolf for the first time ever! No longer can my parents call me there little cub anymore because Im a wolf!

I threw on my scruffy school uniform and skipped down the stairs. Well down most of them anyway... I completely missed the forth to last step and ended up literally flying over the last ones and landing face first into the hard wooden flaw. "Ceafule don't what to make that snout any bigger than it already is" said Alialah my older sister. If she had a penny for every time she insulated me or gloated about being a wolf for two years now, she would be ritcher then simon cawel! "Happy birthday sweety" said mum "you seem happy today". I sat down on the bar stool and stole a peace of toast from her plate. "why shouldn't i be? I get to wolf out for the first time tonight" i swiveld around in my chair and threw my arms in the air. "oh little cub didn't your father tell you?" she asked

"Tell me what?" i replyed

"we miss calculated the full moon, it was yesterday, so you'll have to wait until next month until, until you acutely get to wolf out" she said

"what?!" i couldn't believe it! I was so excited! And now i have to go and face my cozen Mathew and tell him the moon party was cancelled! I felt a tear seep down my cheek. Just this one time i thought i was speshal. A werewolf that has there first change on there birthday was belived to be blesed with power so out of this world, not even the most imaginative person could believe think of it! "Im going to school" i said.

I saw mathew standing in the corner of the buissy coridor with his friend Josh and his girlfriend Chloe. All wolves of corse, my cozen can be very steryotipical like that. " Hey there little cub" mathew said as i wounderd up to him,

"Tonight is the night Clara! Are you exsited?" sqweaced Chloe. "No I'm not!" I snapped "we miss-calculated the full moon, and you lot knot, whail I was in my room all exsited you and the rest of the pack were secretly wofling out in the forest!" I bowed my in sadness and sighed,

"Look little cub were sorry" Mathew said simpatheticly "and you only have to waight twenty nighn days untill you can wolf out in your moon party"

"No you don't understand, just this one time i thought I was speshal-"

"You are speshel" Chloe interupetd me "so your not blessed, who caers, its better then being one of thoes blood sucking vampires any day, Im sure" she reasured me, I can always rely on her to just the right thing.

In class I was greated by my best ever friend Abigail. "Happy birthday" she said pulling me into a tight hug. I forsed a smile and giggled like a little exsited school girl. Abigal handed be a long tube wraped in a purpal and black paper that felt nice between my fingers. "Oh waw" I said in shock

"Oh no did I get you the small one?" Abigail asked,

"The small one? I dought this would fit in my locker, never ming enywhere else" I said and laghed at her. She laghed with me as we took our seats in the back of the class. My teacher Mr Branner walked in ready to statre the lesson. He sat at his desk and tryed to the regester, but as usol, nobody was paying ttention to him. He couldn't hold the attention of a trusty little dog, never mind a class full of high school kids. "Right then today we are going to work on our algebra" he said, "Penny Parkin what is three ex times four to the power of eight?" he saked, but still nothing, we were all to buissy with our convorsashens. I turned my head to grab something out of my bag when the fittest boy I had ever set my eves uppon walked into the room. "Hello sir" he said in a fit Iresh accsent "my name is Brandon, I'm new here" he said

"Ah Brandon how verry nice to meet you" said Mr Branner, and for the first time ever the hole class had stoped talking. The girls where stairing at the butiful boy and the boys where glering at him for attracting the girls. "The only spere seat is at the back of the class I'm afraid" the teacher said and jesterd him the the spair seat next to me! "Hi how are ye' doin" he said, it was then I realised that there was something off about him. He smelt strange, the same sent that my perants and the rest of the pack gave off. But how is that possibal? I've met the entire pack and I've never met him before in my life! "I'm Brandon Thomos, and you are?" Brandon asked me,

"Clara" I said simpally, trying to look at him.

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