28 days to go

114 8 2
  • Dedicated to Amy Parisella

I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I kep thinking about that Brandon boy. Why his sent the same as the pack's? What did it mean?

I decided to go and ask my perants considering the would ovyesly know about this stuff.

I found arguing in the kitchen agen. Mum was yelling at him for not telling me about the miss-calculation on the full moon. "Mum? Dad?" I said draking up the argument,

"Whats is it cub?" mum asked, god i wish everyone would stop calling me that! My name is Clara! No know is not the time gat all angry about that. "I just whanted to tell you that theres this boy and-"

"Stop right there young lady I dont think I whant to hear this" my dad interupted

"No dad ew! I was going to tell that theres this new boy in school, he's from Irland by the sound of it, and he has this sent, a sent like yours and the rest of the pack" I said "but I dont think hes apart of our pack because hes Irish and our pack is northen welsh, and iv'e met the hole pack and i've never seen him before in my life" they just looked back at me in diss-beleaf. Mum wisperd something to dad to quiet for me to hear. "Clara love, I'm sure its nothing, just a qowincidence" mum said. Dad was stering at the clock and then back to me " youd better go to school, you dont whant to be late" he said. I grabed my bag and walked out the house, slightly anoyed at there lack of help.


At the school gates I met Abigal as ran towads me. "Clara, Clara, It's Mathew the his friends! I think he's going to fight with the new guys!" We ran down the school yard untill we met up with them. "Mathew, Josh, Chloe, what are you doing?" I demanded

"No Clara, stay back! These wolfes are in our teretory!" Josh said, shealding me with his arms. "Protecting a newly transformed wolf how pathetic" the trespassing wolf next to Brandon mocked. "Actually, shes not changed yet, shes still a little cub" Brandon said. The rest laughed at me. Why is that so strange? I only turned sixteen yesterday! I cant help when the moon comes!

The bell rang but none of them took and notice. "come on Mathew" i said tugging on his shirt, but my cub like abilities where no match for him "we have to keep a low profile remember" at that they all turned towards the school. But they didn't take there eyes off the trespassers. The glares that my pack gave off where sharp enough to kill. I turned to see Abigail's scared face looking back at me. Id completely forgotten that she was here. I grabbed tue sleeve of my friends arm and pulled her towards the school.

When we got to the doors she was struggling out of my strong grip. "Clala! Clara! Clara! Cl-"

"What!" I snapped at her,

"Clara your eyes are yellow! And your hands, I think your vains are turning black!" Abigail pointed out,

"What?! Abigail your insane!" I said

"No look" Abigail held up a small to peace mirror. I staired into it. The the thing that staird back was not a human, it was a monster! It's eye where an orengy yellow colour with pupils so small you could hardly see them. And the skin was coverd in black lines was dotted all over the face! I handed back the mirror and stepped away, I was to dangoras to be around humans. this has never happend before. I had the earge to run around and be free of the school gates. To smash up everything in my sight just because I had the power to do so. I looked up at Adigal straight in the eye. Then I turned and ran as fast as I could, away from the school.

I ran through the woods, doging every tree and fallen branch that came across my path. It felt so good to finely be free. To be avle to run around and well... be me.

I took a sharp turning to my left, to find a tall man standing in my way. He was grawling at me, I grawld back. "Oh look" he said "It's a little cub" his voice sounded almost like a bark. "What are you doing here?" I demanded

"What do you think?" he asked. He drew back his head and pounced on me. I tuyed to push him off but he was to strong for me. He slowly rised, bringing me with him, and lifted me off the ground by the front of my shirt. My anger grew so high that I cound have killed this freak within seconds. If he wasnt a fully grown wolf with planty of experiance I'm sure, and I wasn't only a cub with no experiance with this stuff what so ever. Before I new what was happening, I was flying bachwards into a tree. My back hit the trunk hard and my breath was quickly nocked out of me. I felt my eyes slowly close without my premission and my body whent limb. I couln't move a thing. I'm done for, I thought to myself.

"How dere you!" I heared a voice snap, moments later "How dere you truspass onto another packs land and attack a member of it!" I quickly worked out that it was Mathew's voice. "Hm, she's a weak one you know, if I where you, Id get rid of her right away" said the truspaser,

"She's a Cub, she cant help it! Are they all knot weak before the change?" Mathew said, his voice as hard as stone. My eye's wouldnt lift so I couln't see what was happening, but I could hear a lot of grawling and wining so i'm gessing that they are fighting.

"Ye! Well good ridence you loonatick!" Mathew's voice said at last, "well then, we better get you home" he said, and that was the last of it.

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