23 Days to Go

15 1 2

Friday, finally. Gotta love Fridays, despite the crappy timetable.  

Abbi came through the classroom door followed by Brandon. She was smiling and kept turning back around and talking to him. Well this is a surprise, Abbi never usually bothered herself with boys like Brandon. Obnoxious people usually annoyed her more then anything. "Hay Clara" She grinned as the two of them took their places either side of me.

"Hi" I replied, taking a few small glances over in Brandon's direction. His eye was still slightly swollen and some of his more saver cuts where still bruised, but nothing compared to yesterday. His left shoulder looked slightly swollen, but I assumed that was my not so amazing first aid skills showing through the bandage I has rapped over his dislocated shoulder after I pushed it back in place. His cries rang once again in my ears causing another wave of gilt to wash over me. 

"Brandon was just telling me how he was attacked yesterday, two robbers tried to take him on. Took them both down with his bare hands. Isn't he brave C!" She sighed in admiration as if he wasn't even there. I could feel him grinning from behind me, clearly enjoying the attention.

"Two robbers seriously. You defeated them both did you?" I pushed, but he didn't buckle. I watched as he leaned back in his chair.

"Oh yeah, black belt in Judo." he said in a matter of fact sort of way. What was he trying to achieve? It wasn't like he was liked Abbi in any way, so why go to such lengths to impress her? Suddenly it struck me. Of course it made sense that he would come up with a cover story in case anyone asked about his eye, and clearly, because it's Brandon he'd do it in a way to make him look good. It seemed unlikely that he would tell anyone that he was abused by members of his own family and had to turn to a cub from the enemy territory for help, especially with the chance of someone from his own pack finding out I helped him, or one of mine for that matter. Still he's an idiot for drawing so much attention to himself, trespassers usually kept themselves low until it was time to attack, not make themselves known to other pack.

The bell rang, and Abbi got up leave, waving to the both of us. Blushing slightly when she got passed him. A small lump grew in my throat. I hoped she wasn't developing a crush on him. Brandon isn't careful, he'd let her get close, who knows what would happen if she found out about him or I. All these years we've been to careful with the humans, keeping them off certain territory, making sure there was never any evidence. "Brandon wait, I need to talk to you" I said, not really thinking things through. The class had emptied however so it seemed safe enough. "I need you to stay away from Abbi, she's not like us,"

"Don't worry about it babe, she's not replacing you" he joked running his fingers across my cheek, making me step back. I can't get his sent on me, people might get the wrong idea. "Besides, don't you think I already know that?" Brandon swiped a finger across is nose and moved out of the classroom.   

The rest of the day passed by with a blur. Abbie seemed almost hypnotized by Brandon's fantasy, much like every other girl in the school. A slight feeling of dread washed over me with the memories of last night. For the first time he didn't seem like much of a jack ass, almost human. Clearly I was being ridiculous, I mean what did expect? That we would suddenly just get along, that the whole taking over my packs territory and converting it's people into slavery would just magically be forgotten? Ugh, so stupid Clara; his kind are evil, cursed spurn from hell placed here to destroy the peace between the clans. Stupid little Clara. 

My cozen had come to join me at some point during the mist of my misery. I glanced up at him slightly before turning my attention back to my hands, which where in my piddle of picking off the nail varnish. "Hay Clara, everything allright?" He asked, ducking his head in an attempt to catch my eyes. I shrugged in reply not really sure what to tell him. Was I ok? I had no reason not to be, yet I could not shake the uneasiness in my chest.

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