22 Days to Go

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It's Saturday...finally. I didn't know how I would face Brandon if I had to go to school today. I'm not even sure ill be able to face him on Monday, to look at his face knowing that he - his pack - want to take over my land. Kill my people for no good reason other then to gain a small amount of power.

I felt tiers well up in my eyes at the thought of him. The way he looked yesterday, like he cared. He didn't care, not about me, not about anyone. I was stupid enough to have trusted him, even just that little bit. I had let myself believe that some good could be found inside him. But I was wrong. Just thinking this caused the tiers to spill over, I took quick short breaths in an attempt to remove the feeling of pressure in my head. I hate crying, always have done, it's pointless never solves anything, yet I couldn't stop.

My tears began to run faster as a scrupled my face into the bed sheets. I couldn't even point out why I was so upset. I knew he was dangerous and never did anything to help me. His pack attacked me, he deserved to get beaten up.
At that moment my sister stumbled into the room. She looked hung over, probably from last nights party. Of course with anything that was going on, all the danger we where in, she'd still find time to get wasted. "What's up with you?" Alialah slurred,
"What do you want?" I muttered, poking my eye out from under the bed sheet,
"Don't answer a question with a question. And dad wants us down stairs, something about Alfa wanting to talk about the other pack."
I sighed and pulled myself heavily into a sitting position. "Fine just give me a minuet." Alialah rolled her eyes and slouched out of my room. I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling before pushing myself off of my bed. Although Alfa was allays very kind, he doesn't like to be kept waiting for unessisary reasons.
I quickly hopped into the bathroom and splashed warm water on my face in an attempt to remove some of the puffiness from my eyes. Needless to say it did nothing, my only resort was to try to do my make up somewhat decent.

Alpha's home was large with an underground den used for out meetings and wolfs who could to tried to control their animal form alone. I happened quite often with new norms which always made me question why out first transformation always took place out in the open where anything could happen.
At the front of the den was alpha himself, along with his wife, our Beta and their son Jonah. All three of them stood tall and strong, powerful. It was no wonder that their family was the one chosen to protect us.

I took my place along side Mathew just as they where about to speak. "I have no doubt by now many of you have heard about a clan come to invade our land. We have reason to believe that they are here to claim out territory for their own.
They are very dangerous and will stop at nothing to get what they want. For that reason we have decided, all Cubs or wolfs attending to school must remain in their homes. All Cubs must be under the supervision of a wolf at all times. You are not to engage with them until we discover their true intentions, you must stay out of the woods and be alert at all times.
If any of you have any information about the pack we encourage you to stand up and tell us now"

Alpha scanned his eyes over the small pack. Everyone remained silent whilst my heart raced. I couldn't tell them, not here, not in front of everyone. I spoke to a pack member, I helped Brandon, I would face punishment for that.
After about ten minuets Alpha called the meeting to a close, stepping towards out other council members.
I butler through the crowd and was the first out of the door. The cold whether hit my skin like a knife as I pushed down the street.
"Clara!" Someone called from behind me, but I kept running. Arms wrapped themselves around me, pulling me back. I struggled against them, but with little success. "Clara! What the hell?!" The voice tried.
I allowed by body to go limp in my cozen's arms as he lowered himself to the floor. "Matthew pleas, let me go," I said calmly "they'll catch me, I can't tell them anything, I can't." I felt another tear stream down my face and fall onto my lap. Matthew helped me up and guided me to the wall by the side of the road, keeping his arms around me as we walked. Matthew was my first friend as well as my cozen, I could trust him with my life; but can I trust him with this? With knowing how I betrayed the pack and helped the enemy? He'd turn be over, the pack means everything to him, even more then me and my place among the wolves.
"Clara, pleas tell me what wrong," he begged, lowering himself to look me in the eyes of my bowed head.
"I...I..." I tried to push the world out but I just couldn't,
"What Clara, what do you know?"
"I know what the enemy pack want, I helped one of them. I found their base in the woods and he tolled me," I whispered, 

"Who tolled you?"


"Clara, we have to tell Alpha, the whole pack is at stake" Matthew whispered pressing his forehead against mine. I felt my head reluctantly agree as he helped me too my feet.

Matthew guided me back to the house with his hand resting on my back. I found myself back in the dark den kneeling in front the Alpha. "I'm so sorry Alpha, I don't know why I did it." I cried, trying not to look as pitiful as I felt.

"What have I done child?" Alpha asked calmly,

"I helped one of the other packs men. A cub. I found out he wasn't yet a wolf and I tolled my cozen, the other pack members must have found out he tolled me and beat him. I felt responsible Alpha, I had to help him."

"Did you bring him to your home?" Alpha said with a concerned look,

"No sir, I only bandaged his wounds" I replied "I also happened upon their camp in their woods and I helped me in return by ensuring that I would not me seen and he tolled me what his pack wanted from us. He tolled me that they are trying to gain power by killing off smaller pack to develop strength and fear. They want to kill us and take some of us for slavery." Alpha looked even more concerned then before, but not angry.

"Very well" he murmured, as if he did not know what else to say, "thank you for telling me, we are all sincerely grateful. You where raised with a kind heart Clara and that is something I cannot condemn."    


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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