Chapter 16

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Is this flirting?

Would this classify as flirting?

I struggled to find my place in the book, scanning the lines and words to figure out where I had left off.

Cody wasn't really helping since he kept getting closer to me. He is so distracting, the fact that I can lose my place so easily really shows how much I suck at multitasking.

Does he need glasses or something or is this something else? Why does he need to move in so closely?

If only I tried dating in middle school like Howard, maybe then I would be able to pick up on hints easily. Are these even hints?

The bell rang and with that I sighed in relief as I knew this confusion had come to an end.

As I quickly got ready to leave, grabbing everything and shoving them in my bag, Cody suddenly snatched my textbook as I was just about to grab it.

He flipped through the pages and landed on a page and smirked.
"Parting is such a sweet sorrow~," Cody smiled as he read the line.
"Oh, hahaha," I stiffly laughed.
"Your so cute," He said as he returned my textbook.
He then placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair to the point it had became a mess.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I jokingly pushed him off.
"I'll see you tomorrow, oh and here's my number. Call me~, " He winked as he handed me the small piece of paper before he headed to his class, walking out as though he owned the school.

I held the paper in my hand as I struggled to get my head to stop panicking over all the strange signals. I'm overreacting, aren't I?

I then pulled out my phone and added his number to my contacts as I struggled to figure out what to name his contact.

What should his contact name be?

Best not to over think it.

Oh boy I think Howard was right.
Cody might actually like me like that.
But I don't really feel anything when it comes to him.

All I see him being is just a friend.
Maybe I should try to romanticize the thought of him or something. Making him out to be like some saint or whatever.

I sighed as I simply added him to my contacts and sent him a text saying "hi" before sending him a dumb meme. I didn't really know what else to say. I'm not very good with something like this.

"Isn't he being a bit too touchy," Nomi said suddenly.
I jumped a bit when I realized he was behind me.
"I-I mean, sure! It can be a bit much b-but that's just Cody!" I stated quickly, defending his actions.

I then noticed Nomi's foot tapping the ground as he looked away for a bit, along with the fact that he was chewing on his tongue a bit as he started looking a bit anxious. Why is he so concerned?

"We should get to class before the teacher gives us detention," Nomi said, snapping me back from my train of thought.
"Yeah! I don't want deal with Bash again," I said as I gathered my things and put my phone in my pocket before we headed to our next class.

"Anyway, how has football been lately?" I asked him, recalling that Bash and him had been fighting over football.

Nomi suddenly went quiet as he avoid my eyes, looking a bit awkard due to my question.

"It's been... alright," He simply put it.
"Nothing happened? Nothing at all?" I questioned him.
"I have a feeling you aren't telling me the truth," I stated.
"I mean, it's just rather boring,"

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