Chapter 21

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Do you ever have that feeling that maybe you celebrated a bit too early?

You know, when you expect the worst out of a situation only for it to turn out great but then out of nowhere all of that badness suddenly smacks you when you least expect it?

Is that a bit too specific?

Probably, but it best describes how I'm feeling right now.

Class was pretty boring with no one talking at all, the only thing you can hear was the tapping of someone's pencil and textbook pages turning while students tried to pretend they were participating.

It was a bit boring but it was also slightly unsettling.

Mainly because no one wanted to be near me and Nomi. Everyone was piling themselves toward the front rather than the back since we were the only ones occupying the back row.

Everyone somehow found out about what happened with Bash and us, with everyone being stunned that we got off with only detention and clean-up duty. While Bash got the harsher punishment.

History was made when Bash got temporarily suspended.

And now, apparently, we are even more terrifying then before.

No one wanted to look our way.
Expect for the girls that wanted to date Nomi purely for his now newly formed bad boy title.

Many of them would often whisper to each about fixing Nomi's 'bad behavior' and changing him into a good boy.

Even though Nomi isn't exactly that terrifying, especially when you get to talk to him more, but I guess Nomi's whole mysterious vibe wasn't helping with making him look less gentle than he really is.

Howard was the only person that was brave enough to sit next to us and since he was able to be near us he instantly became the guy that managed, and I quote, "tame our violent tendencies."

It was just odd.

Even though I and Nomi were able to get away with getting a less terrible punishment, we managed to be complete outcasts who have the title of scary heroes, heroic to everyone but also terrifying to be around.

I hate this so much.

"Psst, what time is class over?" Howard whispered to me, tapping my shoulder to get my attention.
"I think at 9:25," I guessed.
"Ugh, that's gonna be a long wait," Howard sighed.
"It's only like a twenty-minute wait, you'll survive," Nomi stated.

"Says that guy that can't die from old age, this is easily gonna take away like thirty percent of my life," Howard huffed.
"You talk like we're gonna be here for years," I laughed.
"Well, it certainly feels like it's been years," Howard groaned as he slouched in his seat.

"Hey! Shut up you three! We're having silent reading time!" Growled the teacher, slamming her fist down on her desk, making everyone pause whatever they were doing.
"Sorry Mrs," We said in sync.

The teacher stared us down for a moment before returning to watching something on her phone, grumbling to herself before ignoring her students once again.

We all simply kept our mouths shut, attempting to pass the time in our own ways.

Nomi just closed his eyes before meditating silently.

Howard started to draw random words on the textbook pages.

And I started to doze off, feeling tired since I didn't sleep that well last night.

It was pretty boring having to sit here with nothing to do other than read a book that was older than the founder of this school and or homework assignments from other classes.

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