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"No!" I shout loudly, fighting against him, hoping anyone will hear my screams.

"Violet, stop!" Johnny yells back, his voice sends a shiver through my body.

"Get off me! Help!"

His hands are around my wrists, holding them to my chest to keep me from fighting. The panic is starting to set in. Fear overtakes everything in me. I'm gasping for air, trying to breathe life into my lungs to yell one more time for someone to come save me.

"Harry! Please help me!" I cry out as a sob bubbles up from my chest and I can't fight anymore.

"Vi, I'm here, I promise." I hear Harry's desperate voice pleading for me and I snap my eyes open. "Please wake up."

He has both of my wrists in one hand, restraining me from hitting him again and the other is laced in my hair, holding my head to his chest.

"Oh no." I mumble, embarrassed.

I had another fucking nightmare. They've been getting worse ever since that stupid box was left at my house. I had been hoping I wouldn't have to put Harry through this again and they would go away, but no such luck.

"Hey, are you alright?" He whispers, holding my face in his hands and swipes the tears from under my eyes with his thumbs. I didn't realize I was crying in real life too.

"I'm sorry."

"No, baby, don't be sorry." He says and holds me against his chest while I sob. "This isn't your fault."

I pull Harry's comforter around me, trying to hide how badly I'm shaking. After the fight we had the other day, I know that I need to do something about this Johnny situation before it gets any worse. My anxiety is at an all time high right now trying to figure out how I'm going to turn him in, and the possibility of him lurking around every corner. I don't even feel safe in my own house.

"Tell me what I can do." Harry pleads, his arms wrapped tightly around me as my tears begin to slow.

"This is s-so fucking embarrassing." My words come out broken as I hiccup air into my lungs against his chest.

After the shock of the dream wears off, all that's left is anger. Anger toward Johnny for doing this to me, and anger at myself for allowing it to continue for so long. I expected Harry to be upset with me, or even mad, but the only thing I feel from him right now is comfort.

"Violet." He looks down at me with those eyes. His goddamn piercing green eyes that are filled with a million things I know he wants to say.

"I'm fine." I mumble and push away from him slightly. His arms loosen around me and fall to the mattress instead. "It's just a stupid dream."

"It's not a dream, Violet." His voice hardens a little when he speaks again. "It's fucking PTSD."

"What? Don't be fucking dramatic." I snort a humorless laugh, but he's not budging.

"Violet, you were almost murdered." He states. My breath catches in my throat. I'm used to dancing around this topic and not actually facing what happened. Apparently, after the last fight, Harry is done with that. "You have a nightmare nearly every night, even if it doesn't wake you. You're constantly looking over your shoulder, and your hands shake whenever you see a knife."

I don't want it to be real. I don't want that to be my life.

I don't say anything and stare at my hands, picking the nail polish off my thumb.

"Baby," Harry's voice is much softer now. He places to fingers under my chin to get me to look at him. "I don't want to fight again, but this scares me. Seeing you like this, and the idea that something could happen to you, fucking terrifies me."

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now