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I ask Judge Simmons if I'm allowed to leave and before he even finishes saying yes, I start walking down the aisle to the door. I glance briefly at my dad, who has taken over my job of staring a hole through Johnny's head and quickly exit as the room starts to spin.

I take a few steps into the corridor, feeling someone close behind me, and when I hear the wooden door finally slam shut, my knees buckle. The floor is coming at me rapidly and I try to stick my hands out to catch myself as my body gives up, but a pair of strong arms keep me from hitting the cold tile.

"You're okay, you're okay." Harry murmurs quietly as he pulls me back onto my feet and holds me upright.

His face is blurry and I blink rapidly to try and keep the tears that are threatening to spill out at bay. He brushes my hair back over my shoulder and holds my face with both hands. He looks back and forth between my eyes and inhales deeply, dramatically raising his shoulders and dropping them, hinting for me to do the same.

A single tear escapes and falls down my cheek as we take a few deep breaths together and he swipes it away with his thumb. Once my breathing has returned mostly to normal, his hands fall from my face and trail down my arms until our fingers interlock.

"You did it, baby. I'm so proud of you." He whispers and leans forward to kiss my temple. A small smile breaks through on my face and I lean into his kiss and close my eyes, turning my head slightly.

When I open them again, I'm shocked to find chairs lined up along the wall outside the courtroom that are filled with people. My people.

Only immediate family were allowed in the room since it was a bench trial. I had to fight tooth and nail for the judge to allow Harry. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't have at least Anne there as well, but I knew if I had Dad, Cas and Harry, I would be just fine.

She was here though. They all were.

Anne and Bobby are sitting next to Niall and Mia while Macy colors on the floor at their feet. Emily, Ava and Gemma are huddled around the vending machine, trying to decide on which awful courthouse snack looks the least disgusting.

Harry's arms are wrapped around my back with his lips still pressed to my head. More tears well in my eyes realizing that I have a whole team behind me. A whole family.

Anne seems to be the only one that noticed us barrel out of the door twenty feet from them, but her damp eyes burn right into mine. There's quite a bit of commotion happening since there's plenty of other hearings going on around us, so I'm not surprised no one else has spotted us yet.

Her hand is placed over her heart as she watches her son hold me to his chest. I smile softly at her and mouth thank you to which a tear rolls down her cheek and she bows her head in response.

"Let's get out of here, yeah?" Harry pulls back to look at me and keeps hold of my hand to lead me toward the exit door.

I don't say much in the car. I'm not entirely sure where we're going, but I don't really care either. I'm sat in the middle seat with my head resting on Harry's shoulder as he drives. The radio hums lowly and he softly sings along while I hold his free hand in both of mine on my lap.

The sun is finally setting on this dreadful day and I smile to myself when I spot a few raindrops litter the windshield.

The car rolls to a stop and I pick my head up to see where we are.

"I have an idea." Harry mumbles. He pats my leg once and pushes open the driver's side door to step out.

I quickly follow him, confused as could be.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now