H- 61

359 11 19

I'm nervous about dinner with my family in the main house tonight. It's all I've been able to think about all day. I asked Niall to not tell my mum, hoping to surprise her.

I've been in the house a few times over the years since we left, but never for longer than a few minutes, and it was usually to run up to my old bedroom for something. Being in that house gives me a physical reaction. It's like my body remembers.

Violet's innocent and curious question last night made me realize that it was time. Not only am I robbing myself of moments that I can't get back, but her too. I'm being selfish.

I appreciate Violet in ways that I'll never be able to put into words. She helps me see things from a different perspective. Especially when I'm being particularly small minded, or just a hothead. She knows how to put me in my place. Which I usually deserve.

After we fell asleep last night on the floor in the living room, the phone rang. Luckily, Violet was too drunk and exhausted for it to wake her. I answered it half asleep and was surprised to hear her dad on the other end apologizing for forgetting about the time difference.

I left the number for the cottage when I came over to help Violet pack her things. I asked him to let me know about Johnny's sentencing when a verdict was made.

"He'll be out in ninety days." Mav grumbles in disgust.

"You're fucking kidding." I whisper, turning away from where Violet is sleeping to try and muffle my voice.

"He'll be on probation for a year, and required to do community service, but that's it, Harry."

"He could've killed her, Mav." I hang my head in my hand and rub my eye. "He deserves to rot in prison."

"I know, son." He exhales, sounding defeated. "Find a good time to tell her. Don't let it ruin your trip."

"Yes sir."

"Alright then," he pauses before he says. "Thanks kid."

I smile to myself and mumble. "See you later, Mav."

I don't know when I'll tell her, or how. I don't want anything to cast a shadow over this trip for us. It's almost as if she's forgotten everything we've been through back home, or at least here, it doesn't seem like it hurts so badly. And I'd like to keep it that way.

Out of nowhere, a golf tee hits me square in the side of the head, breaking me from my thoughts.

"It's your turn, H." Niall huffs, walking toward the golf cart I'm sat in. "You can't just sit there and look pretty."

"I miss my fuckin' girlfriend, man." I mumble and flick the tee back at him. "Tell me why you picked golfing in England, in December, as our boys day activity. It looks like it's going to snow."

"It's not like you gave me any alternatives." Niall defends himself, shoving his hands in the pockets of his huge winter jacket.

"Okay, here's one." I scoot over to the drivers side of the golf cart and pat the seat for him to sit down, which he does. "We ditch the last eleven holes and go rack up a bill for dad in the clubhouse."

"I don't know if that-"

"He said to enjoy ourselves." I interrupt Niall's protest, stepping on the gas to turn us back around toward the club. "And I don't think either of us are enjoying shit out here."

After two beers and annihilating Niall at foosball, I decide to tell him about Johnny's sentencing. I have to get someone else's opinion on telling Violet.

"I don't know, man." Niall says and takes a drink of his beer. "I kind of think you should wait to tell her."

"Do you think she'll be mad at me for knowing so long and keeping it from her?"

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now