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The clock was ticking as I drove my car like a mad man. I ignored all the angry people honking at me, loosing myself on the highway.

As far as I know, it's probably too late already.

What if he read all of it? What if he's waiting for me to show up so he could curse me out?

I should've been more careful...

Or maybe, I shouldn't have written about his relationship in the first place.

I finally made it in my garage, parking poorly before running inside. I dashed to the kitchen, freezing at the sight of an empty table.

It's gone, it's fucking gone.

I took a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts.

Maybe I did put it back?

Don't be delusional, Ashton. You know damn well that you didn't.

I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath while strolling up the stairs.

It's too late anyway, isn't it?

I wasted no time and quickly opened my bedroom door, heart pounding when I saw him laying on my bed.

With a book in his hands.

He faced me faster than light, surprised by my violent entry.

"Oh, hey." He said, light smile on his face. "You're back early."

I completely ignored his statement, staring at what seems to be...

Not my notebook.

"Are you okay?" He frowned.

Thank God.

Thank fucking God.

But wait...

If he didn't find it, then where the fuck is it?

"Uh-" I sighed in relief, shaking my head from the left to the right. "Yes, I'm fine." I improvised. "What are you reading?"

He bit his lower lip, hiding a small grin as he showed me the cover.

The fault in our stars.

"You were right... it is a good book." He confessed as I relaxed my shoulders.

"I can see that, you're almost done with it." I pointed out, stepping further into the room and closing the door behind me. "Why are you not sleeping yet? Is the bed not comfortable enough?"

"Oh, no no. The bed is great!" He immediately answered. "I just got hooked and lost track of time, I guess."

I nodded. "Well... I won't bother you then, I just needed my charger."

"I mean, you can hang here as long as you like... It is your room, after all." He chuckled, closing the book and placing it on the counter next to him. "I think I'm done for the night anyway, because I know the ending of that story is going to make me cry."

"It sure will, it's really sad." I opened the drawer.

"Like your sex life?" He teased, laughing.

I looked back at him. "No, more like your whole existence."

"Hey!!" He pouted as I grabbed my charger. "You're mean."

"And you're pathetic. Good night." I said, making him giggle even more.

"Come on, don't go!" He begged when I placed my hand on the doorknob. "You're not going to sleep now, are you?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, I am."

"Pfft. Fine." He scowled dramatically, crossing his arms together.

"Good night, idiot." I stated, making him slightly smile.

"Good night." He paused, watching me open the door. "Actually... wait."

I looked back at him, frowning at the sudden change of tone in his voice.

"Yes?" I asked, as his left leg started to shake a little bit.

What are you all nervous about, Luke?

"Um- In the book, it's a sad ending, isn't it?" He asked, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes?" I repeated, still unsure of where he was going with this.

He scratched his nose, before finally looking at me. "You compared me to this book a few weeks ago..." He started. "Do you think this is how it will be for me? No happy ending?"

I pressed my lips together, feeling a sharp pain in my stomach when I noticed the mournful look on his face.

I took a long, deep breath as I closed the door gently. He scooched over to the left so I could take a seat on the edge of the bed, while he was impatiently waiting for an answer from me.

"I said you reminded me of this book because you seem sad right now... Not because I think you'll never be happy again." I explained. "We all go through stuff, we just have to be strong enough to eventually move on."

"What if I'm not strong enough?"

"Don't say this shit now, Luke. You are strong."

"I'm just thinking out loud, that's all." He sighed. "So, you think Hazel will be able to find happiness eventually? Even after Augustus passes away?"

"She definitely will." I reassured him. "Healing takes time, but also a lot of energy. You can't just wish to be happy, Luke. You have to work hard for it, too."

We looked at each other, as I could see less and less confusion in his eyes. His body slowly started to relax a bit more, as he stopped playing with his fingers.

"Thank you." He said, smiling softly.

"You're welcome. Any other dumb questions?" I asked, which made him playfully smirk.

"Oh, actually yes-"

"Shut up." I cut him off, getting up.


"No, I feel that something very stupid is about to come out of your mouth!" I opened the door under his laughter.

"You're no fun!" I heard him say as I went down the stairs.

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to admit that all of this amused me.

I let my body fall on the living room sofa, charging my phone right next to it. I waited patiently for a few seconds, until it finally turned on.

Oh, a bunch of new messages.

Calum Hood: You left your notebook in the kitchen, dumbass. I hid it in my room, second drawer if you need it.

I exhaled in relief.

Fine, maybe I won't murder him after all.

Michael Clifford: Hey, man. Can we talk? Give me a call whenever.

I lifted one of my eyebrows up. This was sent right after the party ended, weird.

It's seven in the morning, he's probably asleep. I'll give him a call back tomorrow.

Three new voicemails.

First new voicemail from...
Michael Clifford.

"Heyyyyy Ashtonnnn!!! It's Michael, looool. Anywayssss, I fucked up and I need a ride home... Alsooooo, three hundred dollars. Do you think you can do that for meee??"

Oh God.

He sounds so wasted, what the fuck?!

"Why do I need this money, you mayyy ask??? Well.... Drum roll please... dum dum dum... It's because I'm... IN JAIL!! WOHOOO! Anywayssss, I'm calling you because Calum thinks I'm a loser, and turns out Luke doesn't give a shit about me... So, can you come bail me out or something? You're a wiseeee man Ashton, and I know you like... work with the police or whatever. Thanks in advance, man. I always appreciated you!!! See ya-"

I quickly hung up the phone, grabbing my jacket on my way out.

Oh my fucking God, Michael. What the hell did you do?!!

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