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"Good afternoon, what can I get for you today?"

"A number two please. Also, a sundae." He sighed. "Actually, you know what? Make them three."

"Sure." The cashier said, ringing him up. "It's going to be 14.50$."

"Yes, um-" He started, trying to get his wallet out of his pocket as he was holding a few books in his hands.

And as you probably guessed, big fail.

"For fuck's sake!" He complained as all of his stuff fell on the floor.

"Hey! Get moving!" A guy screamed in line.

"I-I'm sorry." He looked back at the cashier, almost having a mental breakdown at this point. "You can take whoever's next, I won't be long."

The worker nodded, as the gentleman got down on his knees to pick up his things.

"What can I get for you, ma'am?"

"I'll have a small combo, number four." She paused. "As well as a number two and three sundaes."

The man on the ground finally looked up, his blue eyes meeting her brown ones.

"It's on me." The stranger insisted with a smile.

"Perfect. Can I get a name for the order?" The employee asked.

The woman with black hair gave the blond a final glance, before looking back at the cashier. "It's Sierra." She answered, tapping her card on the machine.

She stepped to the side when the transaction got approved, now standing next to him. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." He sighed, making her look at him weirdly. "I just told my parents I'm dropping out of college, and let's just say they were not very happy about it."

"Oh, that explains the three sundaes." She chuckled, making the still stranger smile weakly. "But you know, no judgement." She paused. "I'm sorry to hear your parents are not supportive of you."

"It's fine." He bit his lower lip. "You paid for my sad, pathetic meal and I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Luke."

"Nice to meet you." Sierra smiled, picking up their food. "Are you here by yourself?"

"Yeah, I had a few books to return at the library next door." He explained, waving his very full hands.

"I can see that." She giggled, taking a seat across of Luke at the nearest table. "Why did you drop out, if I may ask?"

"I want to be a gamer."

She raised an eyebrow. "A gamer?"

"I don't look like one, don't I?" He asked, making himself chuckle.

"What part? Your greasy hair or that horrendous outfit?"

"Hey!" He pouted as she laughed, snatching a sundae out of the tray. "I thought we said no judgment!"

"I'm just messing with you." Sierra affirmed after her last cackle, biting on a fry. "So... a gamer, huh?" She repeated.

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