Request here (Closed)

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*Due to many unfinish requests, the request part are now closed. If i finish them all, i will reopen it. sorry for the inconvenience*

You can make a request here. I may write this story continually by myself, but you can resquest any touhou characters you want to be on next chapter too.

Here are some rules

1. You can make a request by tell me a character name in the comment.

Just a name of that character will be fine or you can tell the full name of them.

you can add a " x reader" after your character as well.

2.I don't accept Lemon story. I'm new to the writing so i can't describe those thing very well. Maybe in the future i'll make lemon story.

3.You can resquest many characters at once. By put them togerther in one comment.But please don't more then three at once. I maybe make a story from one of them, or maybe all of them in order from left to right.

4.I'll writing those stories by myself, but if you have any idea you would like to add in the story. You can tell me in comment or contact me from my discord.(My discord is Chutiponia#0821) i'll try to put your idea into the story.

5.I accept yandere story. I may not very good writing a yandere story. But i'll try be best to write them.

That's all for now. Thank you for your interest in this story and your request.

(On hold)Touhou x reader Oneshot stories (By Chutiponia)Where stories live. Discover now