Two scarlet moon living in eternally (Remilia Scarlet's extra chapter.)

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I feel like i wanna write this oneshot more, so here we go, a extra chapter for the eternally young scarlet moon of Touhou.

This chapter take place in "a different shape of red." oneshot. This happen after Y/N and Remilia's confession, but before they get married.


I wake up in the morning, and i look around my room.

My bed is look like a coffin, and the wall is decorated with red wallpapers.

While i'm still looking around myself, Sakuya enter my room though the door, and greet to me.

Sakuya:"Good morning, mister Y/N."

Y/N:"Good morning too Sakuya, you don't have to call me mister, just call me Y/N is fine."

Sakuya:"I'm sorry, but i serve my mistress as her maid, so after your confession with her, then i serve you as well."

Y/N:"Well, then it's okay if you want to call me like that."

Sakuya:"Anyway, the mistress have summon you to the dining table, she say that she have something to talk to you."

Y/N:"Really? tell her i'll be there in 30 minutes, i need to take a shower and get myself dressed."

Sakuya:"Understood mister, do you need help with your dressing?"

Y/N:"I can dressing by myself, but thank you for your desire to help me Sakuya."

Sakuya:"No need to thank me mister. It's already my duty to serve you as your maid like my mistress and her little sister."

Y/N:"I see, well you are dismissed Sakuya."

Sakuya:"Understood mister."

And then she close the door.

I talk to myself.

Y/N:"What a elegant and perfect maid you got there Remilia. I wish i could have my own servent like her too."

And then i get myself a shower and get dressed.

Y/N:"Well, there's still 20 minutes before time that i need to see her. I better go to check on her sister first."

I get out from my room, and go to the basement to visit Flandre in her room.

When i'm in front of her room, i take a look at a hole on her room's door.

In there, i see Flandre, but like there're four clones of her, and they're talking to each others.

Flandre's clone 1:"So, Y/N confess his feeling to our big sister? That's good for both of them."

Flandre's clone 2:"Yeah but, I wonder when they'll get married, because when people love each others, they get married too right?"

Flandre's clone 3:"No that's too fast, when people love to each others, they need to be boyfriend and girlfriend first.

Flandre's clone 4:"I don't know, but we got our big brother now, maybe we can play with him so we don't alone anymore."

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