A doll from the puppeteer (yandere Alice Margatroid x male reader)

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Requested by asianmathematics

Alice POV

I'm jealous of you, Marisa.

Do you wanna know why?

I will tell you.

That man, from the outside world, Y/N L/N.

He came to Gensokyo a month ago.

He's so handsome and cute.

And he's so kind and gently to me.

I have a crush on him.

Yeah, i fall in love with him.

But he don't really talk with me so much.

Instead, he usaually talk with you, Marisa.

Even that he talk to you like a friend.

And he don't think of you as a lover.

But if i let you two get to know each other evenmore.

He'll start to think of you more than a friend.

And finally, he'll love you.

And if that happen, he'll never see me as a lover again.

And my heart'll be broken.

As you steal my precious thing again.

You can steal my book as much as you want Marisa.

But Y/N is only mine.

And he isn't for you to steal.

But i can't fight you.

If i engage you in danmaku, i'll be defeated easily.

Your power is greater then me.

I need to find other way.

I could get rid of you permantly if i have to.

But how i will do that?

It's gonna be some way to do this.

Alice:"What is it Shanghai?"

One of my doll pull my hand.

As i'm sitting on a chair in my house.

I turn to look to her.

Shanghai seem to hold something on top of her.

It look like a big red book.

Like a tome or something.

I grab that book from her, and read it's cover.

Alice:"Uh, i don't remember that i have this book in my house before."

i start to read it page by page.

And after i read them for a while, i start to smiling.

And after that i'm so happy.

I can find a way to this solution.

I place that book on my desk.

And i'm so happy very much.

Alice:"Yes! This is it, a way that will make me and Y/N living togerther forever, and Marisa wouldn't ever steal him from me again."

And i look down to Shanghai that she's standing on the floor.

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