The partner of the reaper (Komachi Onozuka x male reader)

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I'm now in front of the judge of the dead.

She have a green hair and wear a blue shirt and a black skirt.

She is sitting on the table in front of me.

???:"Now, before i will judge you, i will introduce yourself."

Eiki:"I'm Eiki shiki Yamaxanadu. Or if my name is too long, i can just call me Eiki."

Eiki:"Now, let's see what sin and goodness you have been done in your life."

And she read some kind of documents and speak to me.

Eiki:"So, you are Y/N L/N, rights?"

Y/N:"Yes, miss Eiki."

Eiki:"Let's see, you are a outsider, that mean you don't know Gensokyo, and your cause of death is, you tried to protect a girl from a thief that tried to rob her and you had a fight with that thief until that thief stabed you in the abdomen with a knife and you didn't get to hospital in time, so you bleeded to death."


Eiki:"Well, seem like a young man like you should deserve to live longer, but i'm a judge, i need to be fair to every spirits that i'm judging, so let's see more about your life."

And she grab the documents again and read it while she ask me.

Eiki:"Do you not fear death Y/N? You don't seem to panic or afraid of me or your death. Normally human are afraid of their death and want to survive when they come here."

Y/N:"Actually i'm afraid too but i'm already dead, and i died because i did a right thing, so i don't regret what have i done."

Eiki:"Well Well, so........"

And she place the documents on her table and talk to me.

Eiki:"You have your goodnesses more then your sins, so normally you will go to the heaven. But luckily now i have some kind of problem that need someone like you to be done. And you, you have been chosen to do this."

Y/N:"What do you mean?"

Eiki:"Well, do you remember that red-hair girl with a scythe that brought you here by a boat?"

Y/N:"Yeah, i met her. She look like a reaper or something, but i didn't talk to her very much."

Eiki:"Nornally it's her job to bring human spirits to me to judge, but sometime she doesn't do her job well because she like to slacking at work, and that is a problem, so i'll offer this job to you too to work with her. But don't worry, i will not force you to accept it. You can choose to go to the heaven or do this job i offier to you."

Y/N:"And what happen if i accept this job?"

Eiki:"You will become a yonkai, live in a land called Gensokyo, and think as it's a second chance for you to live again."

And i start to think about it.

Eiki:"Well, no need to rush. You can think carefully about it."

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