Chapter 1

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It was Late at Night as Y/N Who was New In Town was on His Way Home
But Soon He Noticed that Someone was Following Him Soon he was Surrounded By a Group of Stranger's That Seemingly wasn't up to Anything Good

Eric Schulz
Well who do We Have Here?
I never Saw you Before here so I Suppose you are New and Don't Know how Things go Around Here
So Listen Closely because I don't Like to Repite Myself
I am The Boss Around Here
So you Better Stay out of My Territory
Now Give me Everything you are Carrying with You

Yeah sure like I would Do what you Say

Eric Schulz
Well If you don't Listen then Guess I Get what I want By Force

Amara Ibrahim
Bothering Strangers Again Eric?
You Never Learn do you?
Guess I have to Tell her About What Your Doing In your Free Time
I Know I Sayed i wouldn't But you Don't Leave me much of a Choice

Eric Schulz
Hey Stay out of This!
This doesn't Have to Bother you!

Amara Ibrahim
Well Your Wrong
If you do Something that can Bring us in Trouble then it Bothers Me
Also I Like this one He Appears to Be More Interesting Then Moat Poeple Around Here
So do you Leave Him or do you wish to Repite what Happend Last Weak

Eric Schulz
Hmpf Fine!
This Time you get your wish but Don't Think Things will Play out like this Every Time

Amara Ibrahim
Heh well one Problem solved
So Sup Dude

Thanks for Helping
But I could Have Handle This Myself

Amara Ibrahim
Hehe Sure I Know that Silly
Still I wished to Make sure That Eric Gets The Massage
So What Brings you here?

Long Story and not one of The Interesting Typ

Amara Ibrahim
Ok I Get it
So May I Show you Around a Bit?

In The Middle of Night?
Sure It's not Like Some Poeple just Tried to Take My Money

Amara Ibrahim
What Scared of a Girl?
I'm Honored um....What was your Name Again?

Y/n and you are Amara

Amara Ibrahim
Correct Good that at Least Some Poeple Around here Seem to Have a Brain Hehe
Nice to Meet you Y/N

Same....I Think

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