Chapter 3

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Amara Ibrahim
Sup Dude

Oh didn't Expact to see you Here

Amara Ibrahim
Yeah I had Nothing Else to do you Know
So I Thought I Swing by

No Problem stay as long you like

Amara Ibrahim
Thanks Dude
So What was you doing before I Stopped you?

I was Working on Dad's Motorcycle
as a Punishment so nothing Interesting

Amara Ibrahim
Ok now you Must Tell me what you did?

I took it and Did Drive it right into The Neighbors Car
He was "Not Amused"

Amara Ibrahim
He wasn't?
That Sounds Down right Hilarious to Me Hehe

Oh Shut Up

Amara Ibrahim
Hey no need to Be pissed at me
I didn't Mess this up I am Just Enjoying Listening to It
But you know My Old Man often Works on Things like that and I Helped
Maybe I can Lead you a Hand

Sure take a Look at it

Amara Ibrahim
Hm let's see......Just a Couple Broken Smaller Parts not Much

Y/N who is That?

Amara she came by and wanted to Take a Look at The Motorcycle
She does understand that Better Then me

I understand but you Fix it on your Own understand you Messed that Up you Take care of it Alone

Y...yes understood

Good Boy
Well I will Be Gone Behave
Oh and You take a Good Look that He Makes The Thing Work Again Ok Amara?

Amara Ibrahim
Yes Sir!

Stop Smirking Like that
You Look Stupid

Amara Ibrahim
Oh come on Let Me Enjoying Bossing you around at Least Once

Just tell me what to Do or Shut Up

Amara Ibrahim
Ok Then Let's Get to Work

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