Chapter 5

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Amara Ibrahim
There we Go a Another Victory for The Champion wanna Lose...I mean "Try" again?

Oh Shut it
You didn't Told Me you where a Pro

Amara Ibrahim
Heh stop Whining Next Round you Win

If There will be One
Did you take a Look at The Clock?
Kinda Late if you Ask Me

Amara Ibrahim
Huh and your Parents aren't Home Yet?
Well anyway I Go then My Old Man Most Likely Worries if he is Home Yet

You want to go all The Way Back home Alone?

Amara Ibrahim
Sure Don't Worry I can Take care of Myself Remeber?
Also I didn't Told you but I and My Old Man will Soon Move to another House
I Heard It should Be Closer to your Street so I can Maybe show up more often in the Future

Oh Alright Then
That's Nice to Know
Well Good Night Amara

Amara Ibrahim
Good Night Dude

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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