Chapter 2

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Amara Ibrahim
So That's Your House Huh?
Not Bad your Parents must Have a lot of Money Huh?

Well let's say we can Survive from It
What About your Parents?

Amara Ibrahim
It's Enough to Survive but we Don't Have Much Luxury Besides The most Necessary Things
But a Couple Years Back it was Easier
But After Mom Died and Dad had to Take care of Me Alone we Didn't had it That Easy Anymore

I See Sorry About That
It Must Be Horrible to Lose a Parent That Early In Life

Amara Ibrahim
Heh No need to Feel Pity
We all have our own Problems don't we?
You surely are too Soft for This Neighborhood Dude

I'm not "Soft" just because I Know what Empathy is right?

Amara Ibrahim
Yeah your Probably Right
Hm...Oh Looks Like a Storm is coming
Welp I go Then See you Around

Oh Looks Like a Storm is coming Welp I go Then See you Around

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Isn't your Home Pretty Far Away from Here?

Amara Ibrahim
Heh Nah Just a Couple Streets
Also a Bit Rain Won't Kill Me
I am not One of This Girls That Can't Take anything like a Bit Rain

Heh yeah Right
Ok See you Around Then Amara

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