Chapter 4

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Amara Ibrahim
There we Go All Done

We Huh? I can't remember you doing anything since the Old Man Left

Amara Ibrahim
What No way that Isn't True!
I was Drinking This Cola while watching you work

Y/N other words

Amara Ibrahim
Call it what you Like
I don't care too much you know

Yeah Anyway I go In Now
My Back is Killing Me

Amara Ibrahim
Sure Mind if I Joind you?
Oh or do you Need some Alone Time if you know what I Mean Hehe~

Shut up!

Amara Ibrahim
Hey Chill I was just Kidding
Please don't be Angry at Me K?

....fine just don't be so Annoying all The Time understand The Least Thing I Need is someone who Follows Me Around and Knows Everything Better and Never Shuts Up

Amara Ibrahim
Sure No Big Deal Dude
Didn't Know you get Annoyed that Quickly

Let's just Not Talk about it
I had a.....long Day

Amara Ibrahim
Sure I Understand just Relax I won't bother you at all Promise

Thanks a Lot
I guess I Just Play some Games until the Old Man Comes back

Amara Ibrahim
Sure Guess I should Vanish when he is Back?

Yeah would Be Good

Amara Ibrahim
Sure I make the Ghost Then
Hm say could I Joind You?
Watching you Play alone is Kinda Boring
Like looking a Let's Play but without that Guy with the Funny Hair

Sure I don't Mind....Dude

Amara Ibrahim
Aww don't Dude Me
That is My Nickname for you Silly
Come up with Something on your Own

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