chapter 18 | Texting

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- Next day -

Monday, August 2nd, 2021.

6 am.


"Y/n," a male voice wakes me up, taking me out of a peaceful and great dream. I hum to answer him, not moving but feeling good in the warmth my body and blanket hold me in. "You should wake up. I gotta drive you back home before my dad needs his car."

Drive me back home?

The sound of his voice repeating the sentences in my head echoes through my head, and the more I hear it, the more I realize what this means.

Once I am awake enough to understand, I open my eyes to the full and whirl around. "What time is it?" I panic, seeing some amusement in Joonha's blue eyes. He peeks down at his phone, seeming ready and far from looking as pathetic as I do. "Six. You slept like a damn baby in my bed the whole night. So unless you wanna stay here today, you should wake up, have breakfast with us, and let me drive you home."

I do not let him say anything more but throw the blanket away from my body to get out of the bed. "Why didn't you wake me up last night?" I look for my phone in a rush, freaking out about the time I have left to have my morning routine. "I didn't want to ruin your sleep. You seemed to be feeling so good on my bed, I Iet you have it for the whole night, so don't be mad at me. You're the one who fell asleep."

"I'm going to be late, dammit," I run out of the room to leave and make fast to go downstairs but hear Joonha follow me from very close. "Don't you start at nine?"

"I do, but I have to be there one hour before the shop opens so that I don't feel stressed out, so I gotta go back home, take a shower, brush my teeth, pick up my clothes and catch the bus at around seven, this is not enough," I grab my bag to check what is inside and make sure I have not forgotten anything in the house. "Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I do not blame him for it since I am the one at fault, and I quickly walk to the kitchen to drink some grape juice, even though I need to pee. "Does that mean you're not eating breakfast with us?"

"Yeah, I can't," I swallow some more juice before putting it back in the fridge, and I go back to Joonha to put my shoes on and tie my hair up to look less insane. "Well, maybe another day then," he shows what looks and sounds like disappointment, so I gaze at his face to check what is wrong, but he stares at me while I am trying to fix my hair.

"Your makeup is all smeared," he smiles at me, making fun of my ugly morning face. "It's still better than my face with no makeup, trust me," I squat down to now tie my shoes, but Mister Jeon's voice causes a wave of anxiety to take over me. "Good morning, y/n. Are you already leaving?"

I peek up at him but pass my fingers under my eyes to try to get rid of the darkness my messy makeup must have left on my skin. "Good morning, Mister Jeon. Yes, I gotta go or I'll be very late for work. I'm sorry for not leaving yesterday and-"

"Don't be sorry," he cuts me off and greets me with his beautiful features full of sympathy and gentleness. "You seem to have had a really good night," he chuckles, making me feel like my face is showing more than I wish it was. I must look like shit. "I did. I did have a good night. I haven't slept so well in months," I nervously scratch my arm, feeling dumb and uncomfortable for sleeping in their house and troubling them.

"Well, I'm glad you rest a lot. I hope you'll have a good day, you can come back whenever you want," he stands next to a chair at the dining table on the right, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and gripping the back of the chair with the other. "Thank you very much, Mister Jeon," I bow to him. "I really enjoy my time here."

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