chapter 26 | Getting close

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"Hey. What is happening? Is she feeling sick?"

"No," I shake my head and peek down at her, who is still sound asleep and not bothered by the noise. "She just wanted to sunbathe but fell asleep."

"Oh," she does not express any good feeling about this, making me feel like I have done something wrong. "Well, are you going to work out as planned?" she mentions what she has not forgotten about, and I nod. "Yeah. In a few minutes. You can already get changed first."

"Alright," she glances at her daughter once more before leaving, and I wait for her to be out of sight to wake y/n up. I pronounce her name in a low voice to make it gentle, but she does not react. I try again, but this time, give a kind squeeze to her calf, and she opens her eyes.

I let her have a few seconds to come back to consciousness, and once she stretches but clenches her thighs over mine, I smile and tell her I have to go. "I'm going to work out, I'm sorry for ruining your nap."

"Work out? Oh..." she emits a sound similar to a moan after the tension was released in her body, and she sits up to remove her legs from me. "I'm sorry for falling asleep."

"No, it's alright. I hope you had a good rest," I stand up to not make Harin wait, and I grab my book and phone to not forget them here. "I did," she smiles and runs her fingers through her hair. "I'll cook dinner after I'm done, okay?"

"Okay," she nods but leaves the swinging bench as well, so I go back inside but let her pass first, and when she steps in, I follow her and close the door behind me.



11:10 pm.

The sound of Joonha's game filling the room to not leave it quiet, I turn to my right to check what he is doing, and I sit up on his bed. "When do you have to wake up tomorrow?" the sound of my voice makes him whirl his head towards me. "Six because I have to pass by a colleague's house."

"Alright," I memorize it to not ask him again, and he focuses back on his game. "Why?"

"Just asking," I shrug, telling the truth, but he peeks at me again. "And you? How are you going to do with work?"

"I'll take the bus nearby at six-thirty, it will bring me there," I grab my phone, looking at him and wondering what I am doing. "Are you sure you don't want my dad to drive you there? He won't mind at all."

"No, I don't want to bother him," I refuse to let this happen, and he sighs. "You won't bother, dummy."

"But it's still better for him if he only has to drive to his workplace and not drive to mine, then come back home because it will be too early, and then go again," I state, knowing this will be annoying, no matter what he says. "He leaves the house at around seven so he can drive you there, can't he? How far away is it from here?"

"It's like fifty minutes away from here, so he won't even have time to do it," I solve the problem and end the argument. "Oh...and I guess it's useless to ask your mom—"

"Yes, it's useless," I cut him off so that he does not waste more saliva, and he sighs. "I knew it."

"Well, I'm going to go to bed because I'll wake up way earlier than usual because of you," I stand up to get out of the bed. "Because of me? Why?"

"You want me to stay here, so that's your fault," I put the blame on him without being serious, but he shrugs. "If that's the reason, then I don't care. I won't let you wake up later," he smirks, not even showing empathy for me. "You're an ass," I open the door of his bedroom to get out, but he stops me. "Wait, where are you going?"

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