chapter 33 | Only with you

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50 minutes later...

[ is everything going alright with choco? >

I send a text to Joonha to make sure he is doing fine alone at the house, and I take another spoon of the grape sorbet Mister Jeon ordered for me, but once I put it in my mouth for it to melt and spread all the flavor, I gaze up at Mister Jeon to see what he is doing but make eye contact.

He seems to love looking at me when I am eating in front of him.

"Is it good?" he smiles, not even ignoring the fact that I caught him staring, and I lick the spoon but nod. "It is," I dig it back into the sorbet and fill it to heave it up towards him. "Try it."

He does not say no but tastes it, and I eat more right after him. "Hm. It's delicious," he shows how good his taste are. "But you really love grape in everything you eat and drink."

"Not everything, but I love purple grape flavor," I do admit that I am a fan of it, and he chuckles. "Have you already tried grape-flavored milk?" he mentions one of my favorite drinks, and I raise my eyebrows. "Of course I already did. Grape juice, grape-flavored milk, soda, ice cream, sorbet, candies, water, and I think that's all," I remember as many as I can but see him laugh. "What about mochis?"

"Oh, I actually never tried them," I realize I have not tasted everything possible with this flavor, and he licks his lips but leans over to come closer and lay his forearms on the table. "I'll buy you some one day."

"I can't wait," I take another spoon but notice his eyes go down to my mouth for a moment, and we make eye contact, so I nervously lick my lips and smile, feeling too shy to not be jittery when he does this. "What?"

"Nothing," he does not give a reason for staring at me so lovingly. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No, but I'm shy," I look down, not hating the attention he gives me but not knowing how to handle its effect on me. "I see that. You're adorable," he compliments me again and drifts his big eyes somewhere else. Now, I eat since he is not staring anymore but catch sight of his phone screen lighting up.

"I'm picking up because it's Joonha, is it okay?" he takes hold of it, and I agree without any problem. "Sure."

"Thank you," he picks up the call to not send his son to the answering machine. "What's wrong?" he asks him, and I take a peek at my phone to see if he answered my text but do not see a single message from him. "It's going alright too, we'll be home soon, so don't worry. We ate at a restaurant since we didn't have dinner," he runs his fingers through his hair to pull them back and leave them tangled in it. "Yes," he scoffs for a reason that I do not know, and he gives me a brief look but brings his hand down his neck. "I will. See you later, love you," he smiles and after probably getting an answer from him, he hangs up.

"Is he okay?" I ask for the information from him since the little jerk did not answer me, and he nods. "He is. He just wanted to make sure everything's going fine. I also asked him what he ate for dinner since I did not have time to cook for him, and he told me he ate some rest there were in the fridge."

"Oh, great," I feel relief at the sound of this but notice a notification pop up on my phone screen, so I open it and read the text Joonha just sent me.

< yep, he's sleeping on my bed while I'm playing, separating our beds and breaking our children's room since I'm not the one you want kids with:c ]

[ do you realize that if my dreams were ever to come true, I'd give you siblings? >

< shut up, I don't want siblings:< can't believe you're not even sad ]

[ I am! You better not destroy any room and keep our double bed, alright? >

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