chapter 37 | For you

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4:50 pm.

< tell me when you are ready to talk. I just want the tension to leave, but you can take a nap if you need<3 ]

[ I'm coming, I just needed to sit down a little<3 >

< okay, take the time you need ]

Now that my hair is dry, I tie it in a bun to feel more comfortable and stand up to leave my room. I do not want to wait for much longer, I need to know, no matter how scared I am.

I open the door to get out, and I already make eye contact with Joonha, who is sitting at the dining table, but who turned around at the sound I made. He smiles at me, and I do so while heading up towards him.

"Does it feel better in dry clothes?" he asks me when I sit next to him, and I nod. "Yes, but your hoodie felt more comfortable."

"Do you want this one? I already got into my pajama," he softly laughs, and I let him wear his pretty white hoodie. "I'm okay. Keep it."

Despite what I told him, he takes it off. "Here, put it on," he holds it above my head, so I let him put it on me but feel incredibly great in it. "You're cute," he fixes some strands of hair that got in my face, and I notice Mister Jeon join us at the table.

I set my eyes on him, but the sight of him wearing the ring and bracelet heals some invisible wounds.

"Did you clean them?" Joonha does not pretend to not have seen anything, and he nods. "Yeah, but it was with the bottles and all, so there was nothing dirty. I just washed them and used some sanitizer to feel more comfortable," he answers but looks up at me, and I glance away.

"Can about it now?" Joonha initiates it, with gentleness, and I make him understand I am okay with it. "Alright, I'm going to explain it myself since I'm the one who remembers and saw everything. You haven't forgotten what I told you about what I saw, right?" he reminds me of those words I wish I could have erased from my mind, and I confirm I do. "Well...This morning, we had a little argument, I mean, not an argument, but I thought he was acting like nothing happened or pretending to not know what was happening, so I asked him if he remembered what happened last night," he gives him a look, and Mister Jeon continues to speak for himself. "Y/n, the only thing I remember from last night is the time I spent with you in your room, then the small talk I had with Harin when we ate and drank some grape juice that she brought. The only thing I remember after that is going to sleep. Nothing else. I can't even tell what time it was. I just know I woke up and felt terribly sick, weird, and dizzy this morning, just like I did when I first went to her house and that you and I both talked when I came home."

I listen to him carefully and recall that night.

"And...I'm going to be honest with you—"

"Wait," Joonha cuts him off. "I'm leaving you both alone so that you can talk in private. I'll wait for you in my room to put the band-aid on, okay?" he smiles at me with a soft look in his eyes, and I return it, nod, but feel anxious.

As if Mister Jeon did want us to be alone, he waits for him to have walked up the stairs, then he looks at me. "I'm sorry for not listening to you and Joonha. I ignored all the warnings because I thought I was doing the right thing, but I was wrong, and I apologize for hurting you."

"Don't apologize," I refuse to hear him say that. "I want to. I know that what I've done led to this. I should have listened when you both told me not to let her stay here, so I apologize."

"I could have done something too. If I had exposed her in front of you, we would have gone back home, and she would never have drugged you and done those things to you," I see it from my side and the wrongs I have done as well, but he shakes his head. "Joonha or I would never have wanted you to go back to your house with her, especially if you had exposed the fact that she lied to me, we would have done everything to keep you with us because we knew what would have happened if you didn't."

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