chapter 44 | Attention-seeker

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6:10 am.

Now that I am done, I get out of the bedroom and walk up towards the kitchen.

"Happy birthday!" Joonha and y/n both startle me with a confetti shooter, the two of them wearing a cute hat, and y/n carrying Choco who has a small hat as well. I giggle, finding it adorable and meaningful. "Thank you so much," I get closer to them, and I look down at our puppy. "You're forty today, you're getting so old," Joonha does not miss a chance to provoke me, and I set my eyes on him but fake a smile. "You're not getting anything for your birthday."

"I was joking!" he gives a tap on my arm, forcing himself to laugh and pretend he was not serious. "We both know you're still young, dad. You look like me, smooth skin, no wrinkles, don't worry at all. No one could tell you've aged since your twenties."

"You're so desperately trying to make it up, but this is too late, boy," I pet Choco but make eye contact with y/n, and we both smile at each other. "That's not even true...You're mean. I got all this stuff ready, cooked some food in the middle of the night to make sure you'd have breakfast this morning, and you do that to me..."

I grin and give him my attention again after those words he said. "You cooked in the middle of the night?"

"Yes, just for you. And did your girl do that for you? I don't think so—" he gets cut off by a small hit y/n threw in his arm. "Don't you dare! You begged me to let you do it all by yourself!"

"I know I'm just kidding," he giggles at her and puts his eyes back on me. "She wrapped up all the gifts while you were working last night, so she did a lot too."

"You both didn't have to do this, and on top of that, you have to work today, you're going to be tired," I try not to sound like I am scolding him. "I'm fine, it was for a good reason," he only cares about making me happy. "Alright, I take back what I said, you'll get something for your birthday."

"Thank you," he now expresses his happiness, and I scoff but take a look at what y/n is doing after putting Choco down to walk up to the kitchen counter. "The food is waiting for you on the table," Joonha drags my attention to the dining table I did not even look at, and once I see the different dishes full of food, which smells good, I feel comfort. "Wow. I'm so spoiled today," I gape at the amount of warm food that is waiting for me, and I ruffle his hair. "Thank you so much."

"Y/n helped me too, I was not alone," he does not take all the praise for himself only, and I step towards her to kiss her lips. "Thank you as well."

"Don't thank us," she gazes down at my lips, seeming joyful. "I can't," I refuse to do that, but I turn around and walk to the meal. "Come and join me. I'm not eating all alone on my birthday."

"Emotional blackmail is bad, dad," he still does as told and takes y/n with him to sit down at the table too. I chuckle, not denying what he understood by that sentence. I dig in without saying anything more, and I make sure y/n is feeding herself too.

"This is delicious," I compliment them, and they both smile but share this meal with me, making me happy.


8:20 am.

I enter the classroom to start my day with the first class, but all my students surprise me. "Happy birthday, Mister Jeon!" they all shout, putting a bright smile on my face, and they start singing for me. "Thank you very much," I chuckle, feeling bashful and not knowing how to react. I put my bag down on the desk, and I look at them. "Thank you, but don't be too loud, otherwise, we'll get into trouble," I warn them so that they do not go crazy.

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