Chapter 1: Beginning of Cruelty

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Third POV

Not all men are born equal. This was the hard, cold truth that a boy had learned at the early age of 4.

Izuku Midoriya, a boy born into a loving family, had always dreamed of becoming a hero. This dream was soon to be shattered.

It was on the day that the boy and his parents visited a quirk doctor, that Izuku realised...the world isn't all that perfect. A simple statement from the doctor had broke the peaceful life this boy dearly adored.

Izuku Midoriya's POV

Mum, Dad and i were in the office with the doctor, waiting for my quirk results. I can't wait for my quirk results. I wonder what my quirk will be. No matter what i will become a hero.

The doctor entered saying, "Mr and Mrs Midoriya, I'm afraid i have some bad news." And just like that the room was filled with a tense atmosphere. "Whatever do you mean doctor?" my mother had asked.

Sighing the doctor took a seat, "Your son seems to not be able to develop a other words, your son is Quirkless." Everything stopped. I'm quirkless? Does this mean i can't be a hero? Wait no, All Might said anyone can be a hero, so i just have to work harder to become one. Yeah, everything will be fine.

The doctor went on about me being quirkless and had pulled out an X-ray that indicated that i have an extra joint. This also tells us that i won't get a quirk.

After that, we left. And on the way home, mum and dad were quiet...too quiet. Was there something wrong?

Third POV

The Midoriya family reached their home. Once inside Hizashi Midoriya slammed the door shut. Izuku walked up to him, only to be slapped across the face. His eyes welled up with tears and he couldn't register that his sweet and loving father had just struck him.

"You useless piece of shit," Hizashi said whilst grabbing Izuku roughly by the arm and dragging him upstairs, only to throw him in his room and lock the door.

In distress Izuku shouts, "Dad! Mum! Whats wrong...please open the door, I'm sorry if i did anything wrong. Please, I'm sorry!"

"Shut up brat...don't ever call me your father. You disgrace." After that Izuku had started sobbing, not being able to comprehend what he did to deserve this.

He sat on his bed, curled up in a ball, hearing the shouting and screaming of his parents as they argued. He just hoped this will all be over, that this was just a dream, that he'll wake up tomorrow and everything will be like how it always was. He wanted to wake to his parents apologizing and saying that everything was a mistake. He wanted to wake up to a happy family. Little did he know that, this day was the last of where his family were ever happy.

(492 words)

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