Chapter 5: A Chance Encounter

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(Yeah i am definitely more scared to see Kiri and Kami angry than seeing Todoroki and Bakugo angry. I mean come on, if the sunshines get angry...then you know it's serious. Also RIP to the person that their anger shall be leashed upon.👀🤧✋🏼)

Third POV

The next day Izuku had awoken to the sound of his alarm in his miserable room. It was still filled with hero merch, mainly of All Might but the room didn't give off a homely feel like how it should. Before, Izuku's room was like a safe haven, a means of protection from all the bullshit in the world. Now, it seemed more like a prison, like the room was suffocating and it felt like the most unsafe place in the world.

Needless to say, Izuku had to unfortunately get up to go to school. Going about his morning routine, which consisted of being careful to not upset his wounds anymore than it already was, avoid waking up his passed out mother, scavenging the kitchen for food for breakfast and to make his lunch, along with getting dressed for school.

He'd accomplished all of this and promptly left home. Eventually he made it to hell- i mean school. But of course as we all know, the treatment of the quirkless isn't the best.

Throughout the day, Izuku had been tormented. He was pushed around whenever he'd leave to get to the next class, tripped through the hallways and was insulted for anything and everything. Everyone had grown accustomed to bullying him.

Bakugo was the worst of them all. He took every chance to poke fun at Izuku and soon other people would join in. And Izuku's injuries had gotten worse thanks to the physical torment. His whole body ached, any form of movement was just plain torture.

In his mind, he was asking for help. He pleaded for someone, anyone to come and save him from all this pain. But he knew that he needed to push through this, he wanted to be a hero and this sort of pain is what hero's dealt with. So that is what he's going to do, he was going to deal with all of this alone. He vowed that he will make it through this, that he will survive and become a hero.

Time skip: 1 year later (Izuku is 10 years old)

So Izuku did survive but life just got alot more shitty.

⚠️Warning: Mentions of abuse and depression.

Inko continued her abusive nature, both mentally and physically. Izuku's body was littered with cuts and bruises. Parts of his body had really prominent scars especially his back. He had a huge and long scar running diagonally across his back, along with smaller scars scattered around it.

He was skinny from starving himself thinking he was fat, all thanks to comments made by both his mother and bullies at school. He also had eyebags due to suffering from insomnia. To say this was a dark moment in Izuku's life was an understatement.

He was constantly plagued by his mind and its dark nature towards himself as a person. Every self destructive thought was like a knife slicing through his skin, which is both literal and figurative in Izuku's case. His arms were also littered with scars both old and new.

Despite the horrible life that he was now accustomed to, Izuku still held on to his dream of being a hero. This dream wasn't about himself but was about others, others like himself who pleaded for help but didn't get it. He wanted to save people who were wronged by society.

For now that is but a faraway dream, right now he's running for his life from a certain angry blonde and his lackeys. See Izuku may or may not have not pointed out some downsides to Bakugo's quirk and that didn't fair very well with the blonde. So now Izuku was trying to evade his persistent bully.

Things were not looking good, given Izuku's physical state. Needless to say, the boys caught up to the greenette in an alley, trapped him so he was against a wall and they began their torment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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