Chapter 4: A Miserable Life but A Life Nonetheless

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Just wanting to give you guys some MHA memes as well since this chapter is a bit sad...anyway i should have not laughed as hard as i did for the one above (i think I'm going to Hell in so many religions💀😭🤣🤣)

Time skip (Izuku is 9 years old)

Third POV

Time passed. People say with time, things get better, but this was not the case for Izuku Midoriya. In fact things had gotten a lot worse.

At the age of 9, Izuku has grown accustomed to so many things a child should never even grow accustomed to in the first place. The abuse. The ridicule. The pain.

Whilst Inko did get a job, that said job was pretty draining, physically and emotionally. She began to drown herself in alcohol whenever she got the chance, leading to her becoming more aggressive and more openly abusive towards Izuku.

She taunted him about being quirkless and how he was such a stain in her life. Without fail she would make some comment about his quirk status. That's what she always did from the day Hizashi left.

School was no different. The insults got more aggressive as well. The kids started shoving him and pushing him whenever he would walk through the halls and classroom. He wasn't safe anywhere, all except the park. This particular park was a safe haven. It was his and Katsuki's old hang out area, they're special place. Now it was his special place, somewhere he could go to get away from all the hardships of his life.

Through all these hardships, he kept true to his word. Izuku smiled no matter what. He still held onto his dream of being a hero. He had hope. He had faith in the hero's, that they will always be there to save people. But that faith was dwindling slowly, he began to have these dark thoughts sometimes whenever he was left alone, his mind wandering. He never acted upon his thoughts but it was difficult when your self-esteem and self worth is constantly being jabbed at and you're made to believe like you're nothing.

After spending some time,in peace, at the park, Izuku headed home. He of course expected to walk in and be berated by his mother through her words, but what he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked through the door, a bottle came flying towards him.

⚠️Warning...Signs of Physical and Mental abuse ahead.
⚠️Warning of Alcohol abuse.

Being as little as he is and not having the best reflexes, it didn't register that he was in immediate danger until the glass shattered on the floor, after hitting his little chest. To say he was shocked, would be an understatement. There his mother was, standing in the middle of the hallway, just staring at Izuku with an emotionless expression.

For once in his life, Izuku Midoriya was scared of his mother. He could feel the difference in her aura, no longer was she the loving mother he once knew and cherished. She changed after he was announced quirkless but she never gave off an aura such as this before. Izuku's senses were screaming at him to move, to RUN, but he was frozen, his body wouldn't cooperate with his mind.

And just like that we find Inko Midoriya dragging her son by the top of his hair towards the basement. You could smell the alcohol on her and anyone could tell that this woman was not in her right state of mind.

She threw Izuku into the basement, knocking the air out of his lungs. Izuku was pretty small for his age, both having genetics and negligence to blame, needless to say, he was vulnerable. This vulnerable child was now being constantly kicked in the stomach, whilst also having to listen to his mother's ranting of how worthless he really is, at how weak and pathetic he is.

He was lying on the cold, hard cement floor, begging for his mother to stop. But she didn't, Inko was enraged and she unfortunately had a habit of bottling up her emotions until they explode, which is exactly what happened once Izuku walked through the front door.

After about 20 minutes of Inko taking out her anger on Izuku, she grew tired and silently, walked back up the stairs and shut the basement door.

Izuku was lying there, on the floor, distraught. Again he began to question everything, asking Why? Why did his mother do this? Did he do something wrong? Though these questions could never be answered, for there are no answers that would suffice for this treatment.

Slowly, but surely Izuku got up only to wince in pain. He somehow managed to make it out of the basement, to see his mother passed out in the living room, surrounded by beer bottles. He quickly made it to the bathroom upstairs and locked the door, only to turn around and look into the mirror to see the horrible state he was in. His face was a bit swollen, blood dripping from his nose, now lifting up his shirt, you could see multiple bruises all over his front abdomen. His back was even worse, since he had curled in on himself eventually through that traumatic experience, there was nothing he could do to protect his back.

In short, Izuku was in pain, both physical and mental. Seeing the first aid kit by the mirror, he did what he could to try and take care of his wounds. Although he wasn't sure what he was doing was correct, it will have to do for now.

Staring into the mirror, he thought of all the things said about himself. "Weak," "Pathetic," "Loser," "Useless," "Worthless," "Deku," all those words were beginning to make sense to him, that he really was all those things that people called him, otherwise why would his mother hurt him.

In Izuku's mind, the reason why his mother did what she did was because he needed to be punished for causing her all this pain. The pain of his father leaving, the pain of finding a job and the pain of being outcast by society due to giving birth to a quirkless child. He has always been observant to a fault and he noticed people started to avoid his mother once his quirk status was known. So in order to atone for the pain he caused her, he willingly accepts her actions towards him. He doesn't see it as anything wrong.

⚠️Warning...Cutting ahead

Spotting a blade on the bathroom countertop, Izuku decided to take things into his own hands. For every new word he thought of, he'd make a cut on his wrist. All those words came trolling back into his mind again. Him being useless, worthless, a deku and so on. Eventually he ended with 6 cuts on his left wrist. Its not like he couldn't feel the pain, but he did think he deserved it. After washing his wrist and bandaging it to the best of his ability, Izuku felt relieved for some odd reason.

Not bothering to take a shower, he went back to his room and collapsed onto his bed, hoping, praying, that this was all some nightmare, that he'd wake up and his mother was still kind and loving towards him, that he could become a hero and that his life wasn't so miserable.

(1244 words)

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