Chapter 2: The Start of a Quirkless Existence

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Third POV

A day after the doctor's appointment, Izuku was let out of his room by his mother. Still filled with the sadness of yesterday's incident, you could visibly see the pain he was in. Red puffy eyes, dried tear stains all across his face, hair more unruly than usual and a large distinct bruise appearing on his left cheek.

Needless to say, Izuku was a mess. He looked towards his mother, only to see the disgust and disappointment in her eyes. Why? That is the only thing he asked himself. Why has this happened?

Not sensing his father's presence, Izuku, like any child would, asked where was his father. And just like that his mother had gone into a fit of emotion.

"He LEFT! He left and he's never coming back," she claimed. Izuki stood there, speechless. Why would father leave and taking his silence as a cue, Inko continued her rant.

"Why? WHY? Why did i have to give birth to a quirkless child?! If it weren't for you, he-he-HE WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT!"

And just like that, everything came tumbling down. Realization hit Izuku like a train. He was the reason his father left. All because he was quirkless. The fact that his father had slapped him should have indicated the now strained relationship they had and now he doesn't know what to do.

Staring at his mother, in this pitiful form with her hair umkempt and she was wailing, he ran and embraced her in one of the biggest hugs he's ever given, and that says something because Izuku was a very affectionate child.

Though his efforts were in vain. As he hugged her a few seconds passed, then Inko Midoriya, his beloved mother had abruptly pushed him away. Now to many this may not seem as a big issue, but to Izuku this was soul crushing. His mother rejected him, in the past his mother always returned his affection, whether it be a pat on the head or a full blown bear hug, but now she out-right dismissed it was nothing, like HE was nothing.

She merely brushed him off and walked away, going upstairs, entering her room and slamming the door shut. Of course, what else can she do. Her husband, her life partner left for good, she had no one to turn to, she wasn't working as Hizashi was the breadwinner of the household. He worked in the world of business and entrepreneurship. So how was she, a woman who doesn't have a college level qualification, suppose to provide for herself and a child.

Whilst Inko was thinking about her predicament, Izuku was left downstairs to wonder about...everything. He wondered of whether his mother was going to be okay. He needed to be comforted but here he was, all alone. A few moments of sudden despair, he hears the door of his mother's room open up.

She came downstairs, looking towards Izuku, her eyes void of any emotion. She merely puts the tv on, an old hero documentary playing, "I'm going out, behave yourself whilst I'm gone, there's leftovers in the fridge," and then she leaves the house.

Izuku stands there in shock at the nature of his mother. But being the obedient son that he is, merely listens to what she instructed him to do.

Now watching the hero documentary, he is amazed and fascinated with the concept of being a hero. The fact that they save people and help those in need are things Izuku dreams of doing. He wants to be a hero. He doesn't realize the difficulties that he'll face in hero society with being quirkless.

As such he acknowledged his quirkless existence. At that moment Izuku Midoriya declares that he will become a hero, that he will save those that are in need and that includes his mother.
But things don't always go the way you plan...and Izuku was about to find out the hard way.

(664 words)

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