Two months Later

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POV: Bonniebelle

I was heading to bed when I got a text message from my crush Marceline Abadeer, she was just so handsome looking, and recently I've started getting into tomboys as my sexual interests.

Finn and Jake already had girlfriends, Feona and Lady, and they kept nagging me about when I was going to get with someone, it's just not as easy as you may think, but when I saw Marceline for the first time, not only was she the Vampire Queen but she was so totally hot.

I tried to invite her to my house on the same day we meet, that was a dumb move she said no though and that she'd like to get to know me better before then, it's been two months now and I just got the text I've been waiting for. ("Hey" "Hi" " remember when we first meet, you asked if I wanted to come to your place?" "Yeah, why?" "Well I thought maybe this weekend we could have sleep over together, just the two of us?" "I'd love that, so this Friday you'll come over?" "Yeah, that'll work, also do you mind if bring my bass?" "Your what?" "My guitar." "Oh, yeah I don't mind." "Awesome see you in school tomorrow." "Bye." "✌️")

That whole conversation was us planning our first sleepover, and it's going to be awesome I can't wait.
It's Friday and I'm buying so many snacks for us, I also became aware that Marceline uses substitutes as in she can suck the red or pink colors out of food, so I was getting prepared for everything.

I was coming from the store when I ran into Marceline who looked like she was heading to my house, " need help with that?" I looked down and noticed my hands were red and as soon as I did my hands started to sting and hurt, I then dropped the bags I was carrying to rub to pain out of them, "Yeah, you definitely need help with those."

Marceline then grabbed the bags and we started toward my house. "Aren't those heavy?" "Nope." "Really, that's incredible so you like can't feel pain in any way shape or from?" "Yep." We talked until we got to my house in which I then unlocked door and we went inside, Marceline then helped me put my groceries away.

"How about I make dinner?" "Sure, I don't know how cook so I don't think I can help very much, sorry." "That's alright I'll make everything." "Let me know if there is something I can help with though." "Sure." I then turned my back to her so I can get started on cooking, I was pretty sure Marceline was looking around my place then a heard the sound of a guitar string.

I turned around in curiosity of where it came from and saw Marceline in the living room playing what looked like a real axe, "Hmm, could you be careful with that please." She only nodded and changed positions in air as she hovered above the coffee table, she looked so focused playing her guitar.

About an hour went by and I finished dinner. "Uh, Marceline hmm, foods ready." "Ok." Marceline came floating in and then we grabbed our food and went into the living room to watch TV, joke and eat.

At about 11:00 we started feeling tired and it became hard to stay awake I then dropped died asleep on the couch.
I don't know what happened last night but, I woke up this morning to find myself laying on Marceline's bear stomach. I started furiously blushing and flew up from the couch.

I immediately went to go and start breakfast to try to think of something else. Then shortly after I heard Marceline wake up and she came hovering in. "You sleep well?" "Uh-huh." "I thought so." I completely broke down, "I am so sorry I fell asleep on you I didn't know, I was particularly out cold, and I didn't mean to." Marceline was quiet for a moment before she spoke, "It's alright." "R-really?" "Yeah, it's no big deal don't worry yourself about." I sighed with relief, "Butttt, maybe you could do that, some time again." I froze and looked at her, she was turned away from me in slight embarrassment.

"S-sure." I turned away again and Marceline left to the kitchen, I silently squealed in so much joy and hope the maybe we could be together one day, I was so happy I practically danced in the kitchen while making breakfast.
Me and Marceline were sitting on the couch minding our own business when I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Marceline nodded, I got up and went to the door and opened it, "Hey, Finn what's up." "Nothing much just thought I'd come over, got anyone here." "Uh, yeah, just Marceline." "Oh" "Something wrong." "No no no it's nothing, it just FP is on trip with her family, and Jake and Lady are on a date so I got kinda lonely is all." "Ok, you hang with us come on inside."

I let Finn inside and went into the living room where Marceline was fiddling with her guitar. "Sup, Finn." "Hey." We sat down and started chatting, then after about an hour Marceline left and went into another room, taking a little bag with her, I assumed it was just that time of the month foe her, so I didn't go check on her.

"Well I best get going Jake should be back from his date by now." "Alright see you after break." "Bye." "Bye." Shortly after he left I got worried about Marceline and went to go check on her. "Hey, Marceline, you ok?" There was nothing but silence

I slowly opened the door just to have come face to face with Marceline standing over my, her once dark amber eyes were now an eerie bright red ruby color. That stared into the depths of my soul. I wasn't sure if was scared or not because I can't remember, but I do remember that I stared into her eyes for about 10 minutes straight.

I dared to break eye contact with her, and as soon as did I regretted it. I looked to the side trying to see what happened in the room, when out of nowhere Marceline attacked me I was so in shock that I didn't feel when she had bite me on in the crook of my neck. But when I noticed I started to feel a weaker and weaker little by little.

After about a minute of who knows what happened, I felt Marceline soften and sink into my body I slowly placed my hands onto her shoulders and gently pushed her off, which was hard because she weighted a ton. I sat up to look into Marceline's eyes they were back to the pretty shade of dark amber color but they were cloudy and distant.

I attempted to drag her to the couch and lied her down on it, I then went back to the bathroom and began to clean you the mess on the floor. Once I was done I looked in the mirror to see what Marceline had really done and when I looked at my neck and I saw that there were two small deep holes parallel to each other, and they were bleeding not a lot but a little.

I opened the mirror and grabbed so rubbing alcohol and some bandages. I was rubbing some of the alcohol on the two holes when I felt hands on my waist, I jumped a little at the touch and turned around to see Marceline up again only this time her dark amber gaze was crystal clear. "Y-yeah are you a-alright?" I asked, "Yes." "O-ok then...could you maybe take your hands off my waist please?" Marceline didn't reply I closed the mirror so I could look at her though the reflection in the glass, but when I looked though it no one but me was there.

I slowly started to panic then I felt Marceline slowly bend her head down and lick my neck in a long stroke. I shivered at it but didn't move, Marceline then did it again and she kept doing it til I got used to the feel of her tongue on my neck, but even so she still kept going and then she slowly crept her hands up my waist and under my shirt cupping her my breast in her hands.

I had no idea what was about to come next but what was happening now was only the begin.

Marceline X BonniebelleWhere stories live. Discover now