Chapter Two: The Boyfriend

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(IM SO SENSITIVE BECAUSE IM SO HUNGRY. JK. I'm just addicted to Changbin. But seriously like food is not appealing to me rn. How do you make yourself hungry? Because living off of coffee is not healthy lmao)

I tapped my foot impatiently as I slumped back in the wooden chair. Sarah was supposed to arrive an hour ago. My arms were folded neatly across my chest and I huffed loudly as the weight of her dating was finally settling on my shoulders.

"Jisung, what is your problem?" Dad asked as he shot me an irritated look. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at his complete lack of concern for his daughters well being.

"I can't believe you're allowing her to date." I spat out the words with a venomous tone obvious in my voice.

"Stop it Jisung. She's nearly an adult." My Mom scolded.

"Yeah, great, next she'll be out partying, and then boom. Before you know it she won't even come home anymore." I sunk further down in my chair and stretched my long legs out in front of me. Our parents were the kind of parents who didn't believe in boundaries. Most of the rules imposed in our household came from me.

I had practically raised myself and my sister. My parents had merely provided a roof, clothes and food. The values that were instilled in us, came solely from me.

"Oh you're such a stickler. Lighten up love!" Mum smacked my shoulder playfully but I wasn't in the mood for joking.

"I wish you two would take this more seriously. This guy is two years older than me! He's a grown ass man!" I slammed my fist on the old wooden table, and items vibrated from the impact. As if she had heard me, Sarah finally appeared. I jumped up and immediately smoothed my clothes down. I had purposely worn a tight shirt so he could see my muscular frame and I was going to make sure the creep knew that he wasn't welcome here.

"Mom, Dad, Dictator," She pulled a face at me and I flipped her off, "this is Minho!" He appeared behind her, and I couldn't make out his face as he bowed deeply. His floppy brown hair was covering his face.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you all." He stated. He straightened up and I finally got a good look at him. I was taken aback as our eyes met. His eyes were the size of dinner plates, and filled with bright vibrant energy that radiated through me. His perfectly straight, slim nose was perfectly proportioned to his face, and then his lips came into view. They were plump, and red and suited the rest of the soft features on his face. His jawline was sharper than a razors edge and he was.... Gorgeous.

"Uh, you ok Hannie?" I shook my head and tore my eyes away from the perfect specimen in front of me. Wait... No. He was the boy who had corrupted my sister.

"I'm fine. I'm just deciding the best way to deal with the idiot that thinks it's ok to date my sister. Do you have a death wish Minho?" He winced as I called him by his name. He clearly wasn't expecting me to be so brazen.

"Jisung!" Mom hissed as she placed her hand firmly on my shoulder and squeezed to let me know she was displeased with my intensity.

"I-I'm sorry. Please, let me prove to you I have no ill intentions Jisung-ah." I pursed my lips tightly together and huffed. I wasn't happy about it, but something about the way he spoke came across as sincere. My eyes fell upon him once more, and his eyes were fixed upon me. We made eye contact and I nodded slightly. He had a strange allure about him and I wasn't sure why.

"Sorry I'm late! School overran again!" I was surprised when my own girlfriend appeared behind Sarah and Minho.

"Laney." Minho turned and embraced her tightly, before picking her up and spinning her around. She squealed slightly, and  now, now I was pissed. Who was he to act so familiar with my girlfriend? I didn't care how well she knew this creep, I wasn't going to let them flirt!

" 오빠!" She laughed and he reunited her feet with the floor beneath her.

"What exactly is going on here?" I demanded as my temper began rising.

"Oh, right, I think I forgot to mention. Hannie, this is my brother. Lee Minho." Laney said with a huge smile. My mouth dropped open slightly and I looked between them. They looked nothing alike. He had soft beautiful, symmetrical features that seemed like they were handpicked by some magical creature, trying to build their ideal human. Laney on the other hand, had cute features but they didn't fit her face properly. It was weird considering them as brother and sister.

"Wh-What? You never told me you had a brother." I stated accusingly at her. She waved her hands and came to greet me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and Minho watched my every move. How the hell could I protest to him dating my sister now?

"Play nicely." Laney instructed quietly into my ear. She pecked my cheek, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from Minho.

"You did this on purpose." I muttered in an irritated tone. She giggled slightly and pulled away from me.

"Don't you worry, I know my brother and he's a sweetheart. He'll treat her well. Right 오빠?" Minho nodded slightly but the intense sparks flying between us were distracting. Neither of us were willing to relent on the intense stare we had entered. That would mean we had lost to the other.

"Why don't we all sit down. I've prepared some 라면, 떡볶이, and 김치! (Ramen, tteok bokki, and Kimchi)" She explained as she pointed to the different, delicious looking medley on the table. I seated myself and watched as Sarah and Minho took their seats opposite. He pulled out her chair and allowed her to sit, before taking his own seat.

"잘 먹었습니다!" He bowed his head slightly before we all began digging into the food. As usual Mom had killed it, and I couldn't get enough of her mouth watering dishes. Each one was more delicious than the last.

"Where did you learn to cook Mrs Han? This is delicious." Leeknow stated as he slurped the slippery noodles noisily. Mom giggled like a school girl and slapped his arm playfully.

"Don't flatter me Minho. This is a simple meal. I'm glad to see you eating well." I pushed my bowl away from myself and smacked my lips noisily. I wasn't hungry anymore.

"So Minho." I began searching around me and everyone looked puzzled as to what I was doing. I checked both of my pockets and scraped my chair noisily across the floor as I began looking around me, searching for something important.

"Have you lost something bro?" Sarah asked as her eyes fixated on me. Her glare told me not to do it. She knew exactly where my mind had drifted to. I had used this on her many times.

"No, I'm just searching for something." I murmured quietly.

"What is it?" Minho asked politely.

"Where the hell you got the audacity to date my sister and think that it would be ok.", I stopped and leaned forward, resting both of my elbows firmly on the edge of the table as I fixed my eyes on him again.

"Han Jisung!" Mom scolded as she began apologising profusely. Sarah looked absolutely horrified and Laney slapped my arm hard.

"For God's sake Han! This is my life!" Sarah spat angrily as she stared me down angrily. Then he began laughing. He placed his cutlery down and gently slapped the table as loud laughter escaped him.

"I can see we're going to get along Jisung. Let me ask you this, where did you find the bravery to date my sister?" His face dropped into an angry stare and I realised this guy could be just as intense as me.

"The difference being, I'm not some slimy creep who's only interested in one thing." I stated coolly as I continued my intense staring contest with him.

"That's not how it looks to me. You seem very concerned about my intentions with your sister, but what about your intentions with my sister?"

"Minho!" Laney hissed at him. He held his hand up indicating he wanted her to shut up and everyone fell silent as the stand off began. Lee Minho and I were at war.

This was going to be an interesting evening.


What do you guys think?!?!?

Han and Minho are flirting already.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you for reading.


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