Chapter Ten: Play With Me

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(I kinda forgot this book existed for awhile there...)

"Ugh you're so annoying!" The loud sound of my bedroom door slamming forcefully against the frame echoed around the house. I turned and angrily threw my body onto my bed. My face was buried deep into the pillows and I let out a frustrated growl.

Everything was going wrong. Ever since he had shown up, my life had felt toxic. Like I had been bitten by an unlucky spider and its venom was seeping through ever part of my life, destroying everything in its way.

He was the source of all of this upset in my life. Everything bad that happened seemed to lead right back to him.

My YouTube channel had been suspended, and I wasn't sure if I would ever get it back. I had failed my last test in school and Sarah was more distant than ever. A knock came on the door and I rolled onto my back lazily.

"Come in." I said flatly, barely loud enough for whoever it was to hear my tragic tone.

"Hey, I came to see if you were OK?" I turned my head and as usual, there he was. He practically lived here these days.

"I'm fine." I snapped as I hugged my pillow to my chest and pressed my nose into it.

"Yeah, it seems like it. Sarah mentioned what happened with your YouTube channel, I uh," he cleared his throat awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head, like a school child who was in trouble with the principal. He shifted his weight from foot to foot and refused to meet my eye.

This was totally unlike him.

"What is it you want Leeknow? I'm not in the mood for your mind games today. You're the reason everything is going wrong for me. Things were fine until you showed up!" I accused angrily as my eyes settled on him.

I couldn't contain my feelings any longer.

"Sarah got spiked, ended up in hospital and as a result I didn't study for my exam. Which I failed miserably. Sarah is barely talking to me because she won't accept that I can't stand you. To top it off, you spoiled my favourite anime."

"That was an accident. 미안해 (mianhae, I'm sorry)." He defended himself as his eyes widened.

"And for God's sake, let's not forget the obvious." I lowered my tone until it was only audible for the two of us, "you kissed me!" I hissed through gritted teeth.


"So let me guess, you're here to tell me that I haven't played your game well enough? Or to tell me that you reported my YouTube channel until it got taken down?!" I was panting at the end of my rant, as I tried to catch my breath. My eyes narrowed at the older male stood in front of me.

He really was something else.

"N-No I was going to say I enjoyed watching it, and I... I know some people and I think they would be really interested." He sounded like a child telling his Mom bad news as he spoke, but my ears perked up. I slowly sat up and placed the pillow down next to me.

"Really?" I asked hopefully. "Do you really think they would?"

"Jisung, your singing and rapping is incredible. That's my honest opinion. I was actually a little starstruck when I met you. I've been following you for awhile." He admitted. My heart felt like it was melting as he spoke and I couldn't help a small smile gracing my face, as his eyes darted around, absorbing everything in the room, except for me.

"Thank you, that means a lot." I mumbled, feeling a wave of guilt that I had popped off so angrily at him. Maybe this was genuine, maybe he was actually trying to be nice for a change?

"So if you want, I can maybe get in contact with them and see if I can set something up?" He smiled awkwardly and dropped his gaze to the floor. Like he was afraid that being pleasant to me was going to cause a negative reaction. I stood up and approached him. His gentle flowery scent drifted into my nose, and I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Leeknow." I murmured resting my chin on his shoulder. His arms snaked around my waist and he pulled my body close to his. I could feel his heart pounding against his chest as he held me. Then I noticed mine was doing the same.

My stomach was filled with butterflies and I craved being close to him.

Was I falling for him? I couldn't be. I was straight. I lifted my head and stared deep into Minho's deep brown eyes. I couldn't tear myself away from him. His eyes darted to my lips and then back to my eyes. The temptation to kiss him was unbearable.

"Now you two are suddenly best friends huh?" I quickly pulled away from the hug and saw Sarah standing in my doorway, watching us as we shared the sweet moment. I cleared my throat and stuffed my hands deep into my pockets.

"No. We'll never be best friends." I hoped Leeknow would understand what I meant but he didn't. He looked so terribly disappointed and frowned as he went to join Sarah.

"Mom said dinner is ready." She hugged Leeknow and he kissed her head as he rubbed her back gently. I found my eyes lingering on them, as my lips pursed together.

I didn't want to admit it. But I wanted him.

I trailed behind them as we went to eat whatever meal Mom had prepared, and I wanted to explain to Leeknow. I desperately wanted him to know I didn't mean what I had said.

I had to cover our tracks though. The potential reaction of my family wasn't worth it.

As we say and ate in relative silence, I stretched my leg out and placed it between Minho's. I gently pressed my leg against his, and waited for him to lift his head to look at me.

He didn't. He used his foot to gently push my leg away, but I wasn't taking that for an answer. He had been truing so hard to get me, and now I was finally giving in, he wasn't interested?

Not good enough. I placed my foot on top of his and placed another hefty heap of rice into my open mouth as my eyes burned into his scalp. His toes wriggled slightly, and I couldn't help smirking.

"Why is everyone so quiet today?" Sarah's loud whiney voice cut through the silence and made me jump slightly as Leeknow's foot gently circled mine.

"Don't worry Sarah, your voice is more than loud enough for all of us." I smirked at her and she placed her chopsticks down.

"And you eat enough food for all of us, that's why your face is always swollen you stupid hamster." She retorted.

"You're just jealous because I don't have to starve myself to stay slim. There's nothing wrong with having a healthy appetite. Especially when Mom's food is always so good." I smiled brightly at my Mother as I rested my leg lightly against Leeknow's.



"Be nice you two!" Dad warned as he placed his chopsticks down. Leeknow gently ran his foot up and down my leg and stared deep into my eyes as he did so. He had finally forgiven me for my earlier comment. I bit my lip as his foot travelled ever upwards, and I couldn't help goosebumps spreading across my skin as an excited chill coursed through my body.

"What is up with you two today? One minute you're ready to kill eachother, and now you can barely take your eyes off of each other." She stated observantly. Leeknow withdrew his foot and I couldn't help wishing we were alone right now.

The lust I felt for him was unparalleled. This stupid fucking idiot had turned me. I was petrified of what that might mean for me, and my future.



I hope you enjoyed reading and ilysm ❤❤❤❤❤

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