Chapter Nine: Falling

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The buzzing of my phone as it slid moved across my nightstand woke me from my turbulent sleep.

"왜?! (Wae?! Why?!) Turn it off! I'm trying to sleep!" He whined. I grabbed at my phone, and shielded my sore, sleepy eyes from the bright light.

"엄마? (Eomma? Mom?)" I croaked down the phone, trying to force my brain to engage. "Is everything OK?"

"Sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you, yes. She's awake. She was roofied, but she's going to be fine. We'll be home in the morning." She said softly. My heart lept into my throat as relief spread through my body.

"Th-Thank you Eomma, please tell her I said get well, and I'll treat her to 김밥 (gimbap) when she's home!" Tears were forming in my eyes once more and I wiped them with the back of my shaking hand. My eyes were stinging in protest of being awake, and the sudden emotional tears that were seeping down my cheeks.

"I will dear, you and Leeknow didn't fight did you?" She asked, concern was flowing through the speaker of my phone and into my ears.

"No. I-I had a panic attack. But I'm fine. Leeknow is asleep."

"Good. Tell him not to feel bad. It wasn't his fault, make sure you apologise too." She instructed firmly, obviously referring to threat I made to kill him.

"어. (Eo. Yes.)" She called off and I placed my phone back down on the bedside before pulling my knees to my chest tightly. My forehead dropped onto them, and I rocked myself gently using my toes.

"Hey, hey, is everything OK?" I had almost forgotten that he had been the one to put me to bed. His arm gently wrapped around me, and pulled me into his chest. I was far too exhausted to fight him on the invasion of my personal space.

"Y-Yeah. Sarah is going to be fine." I explained quietly as he pulled me closer to him. Why was I finding comfort in his arms? He was the last person I wanted near me. This was his fault after all. But I couldn't escape the fact that the rhythmic rising and falling of his chest, gentle flowery scent, and warmth were everything I needed.

"I'm so pleased to hear that, and I know you probably don't want to hear it, but I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean for that to happen." The sincerity of his words, and his tone, made my heart melt slightly. I was beginning to believe Laney. Maybe he wasn't a bad guy.

"It's ok. I know. For what it's worth, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have blamed you for this." I muttered quietly.

"Get some sleep. You're gonna need it."

"Also, what the heck are you doing in my bed? I didn't invite you here. Go and sleep in Sarah's room!" He laughed loudly and shoved me, as though I was joking. I really wasn't. I didn't want people thinking I was gay. Especially not in this household. It was deeply frowned upon.

"Who's gonna know silly? Besides, I didn't hear you complaining when I undressed you and got you in here."

"Yah! Stop being weird!"

"Hanji, I told you. You know what's going on. Don't act like you don't. Not only that, but I know you want me to." He stated confidently.

"Oh yeah? And what makes you so sure of that?" I asked as I pulled away from him and searched his barely visible face in the dark. Without warning, his lips collided with mine, in the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. The worst part was, I couldn't pull away. I felt my body relax, as his hand held the back of my neck, and he pressed his face closer to mine.

This was it. The moment I had been dreading. I was falling for him. There was no denying it now. My eyes fell shut and I opened my mouth ever so slightly. I was dumb to think he would miss that, and before I had a chance to close it, his tongue had invaded.

I managed to finally pull away and sat in silence, wondering what the heck I had just opened myself, and my mouth, up to. My fingertips pressed to my lips in disbelief. Had I really just kissed my sisters boyfriend?! I was obviously too drained to think straight. That's all this was. I wasn't falling for him.

"You little tease Hanji." His lips fell upon my hot, flustered face and I knew what was going to happen from here.

"You have to break up with Sarah. I can't do this Leeknow. Not to her."

"Then I guess you'll be coming out to your whole family. Don't worry, I know how they feel about homosexuals. I'm sure they'll be most welcoming of our relationship." He reminded me. The worst part was knowing he was right.

"Don't." I stated firmly. He was not going to use that as blackmail, and an excuse to keep dating my sister.

"I'm just stating facts Hanji."

"Leeknow, please." I whispered quietly.

"You think I'm at peace with knowing you're dating my sister? I told you, play nicely and neither of them will get hurt." He shrugged as though it was no big deal. It was a big deal. I couldn't do this.

"How nicely do you expect me to play you psycho?" His hand brushed my cheek and a small half laugh escaped from him.

"As nicely as I want you to." The words sent a chill down my spine and I gulped as I moved my body to the very edge of the bed. I was practically falling off, but I had to put space between us. We couldn't do this.

"N-No. There are levels Leeknow. I-I can't do this to my sister." I remained firm and he huffed angrily into the darkness.

"Why are you such a tease. Just give in. I know you want to."

"I don't, and I won't. I'm just tired. That was a mistake. One I won't repeat." I laid back down and faced away from him. I couldn't risk something happening between us. Especially not something I couldn't take back. I felt the bed move and realised he had left it.

Thank goodness.

I closed my eyes, and allowed my body to relax into the soft mattress beneath me. My head was a fuzzy mess of weird thoughts and feelings that I couldn't process. As though I was trying to look at them through a frosted window and I knew there was no sense in staying awake and worrying about this tonight.

"Yah. Why are you ignoring me?" My eyes flickered open and his face was inches from mine. I screamed and jumped at the sudden appearance of his ghostly white face and shoved him as hard as I could. He fell backwards and grunted as his body thudded against the floor.

"God you're so stupid! You scared me half to death. If I have another panic attack it'll be your fault you moron!" I yelled as I sat up and grabbed at my chest. My heart was wavering again, teetering on the edge of palpitations and I was breathing heavily.

What the heck was his problem?!

"Lighten up Hanji. I'm messing with you. I'll go stay in Sarah's room OK? If you need anything, you know where to find me." With that he was on his feet and left the room.

I laid in my bed and stated at the anime poster on the wall opposite.

I wasn't sure how I felt, but I knew one thing. I needed to stay as far away from Leeknow as I could. Whatever was happening between us, wasn't good.


Uh oh.....



Hope you're all OK.

I'm freaking tired.... but hopefully this will keep you going for a few days.

Thank you so much for reading.

Ilysm ❤❤❤

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