The San Francisco Toy Car Chase

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We made our escape unnoticed by the FBI agents. "Okay, now what?" Mom asked. "You're asking me?" Gramps asked as Scott enlarged the van. "Get in!" Scott shouted as we did as he said. He also was looking at Mom. "Hi." "Hi." Mom greeted. "Uh, excuse me, are we planning on leaving soon, or are you two gonna keep staring at each other until they start shooting at us?" I asked.

Scott drove down through town in hopes of finding the lab. "Thank you." Gramps thanked. "Thanks, Mr Lang." I added. "You're welcome." Scott replied. "So, uh, how do we find the lab?" "After we lost it the first time, I put on a new tracker of sorts." Gramps replied, signaling his ants to lead us to the lab. "That'll work." Scott followed the ants throughout the city, leading us to the fully grown lab. "Energy readings say that they haven't used the tunnel yet." I explained. "We don't have much time left before Mom's location shifts and we lose her." Mom added. "Yeah, and we have a lot to do before then." Scott said. "You know, my pep-pep always said, "If you want to do something right, you make a list." So we should do that. One, we have to break into that lab. Two, we have to kick out Foster and Ghost. Three, we're gonna have to fight Ghost. That seems like it should be a part of two. 2A, alright? Let's call it 2A. Fight Ghost, 2A. Oh, also, we have to make sure that the lab is fully grown for you to come back. Otherwise, we're screwed." "Scott." Gramps said. "Do you want me to start again?" Scott asked. "I'll start again." "I'm going to dive." Gramps explained. "The only chance we've got is if the two of you are out here, together, protecting the tunnel. Let me do this, please. Let me get her." "I think he's right." Scott responds, just as Luis pulled up next to the van. "Whassup?" Luis greeted. "You don't remember that beloved commercial?" "I had him follow us." Scott explains. "I thought we could use some help."

Mom, Luis, and I stayed inside the van, waiting for Scott's signal. "Alright, I'm in position. The ants are headed in." Scott explains. "Copy that." I said. "Keep your eyes peeled, Scotty." Luis added. "Do you want Pez?" "No." Mom replied. "I'm fine." I added. "Cassie gave me this for my birthday." Luis explained. "By the way, I love that suit!" "Thanks, man." Mom replied. "I wish I had a suit." Luis said. "I would even like a suit with minimal powers, you know? Or maybe even just a suit, with no powers." "I'll keep you in mind, buddy." I commented. "Dad? What's your status?" Mom asked. "Foster's taken care of." Gramps replied. "Suiting up now." Once he got in the pod, I needed to tell Scott. "Gramps is in, Mr Lang." I said. "Any sign of her?" "No, nothing yet." Scott replied, groaning shortly after.

"Could I get a status report?" Scott asked. "Because I've got some serious Ghost problems right now." "Ready to dive." Gramps replied. "In case I don't make it..." "Don't say that." Mom said. "I can't lose you too." "I love you, Hope and Brenna." Gramps told us. "Guys, everything's bad over here." Scott explains. "Could you just..." "Now." I said as the lab shrank. Luis grabbed the lab and we drove away. "Plan worked. We got it, Scotty!" Luis exclaimed. "Meet us at the rendezvous point." Mom added. "Okay, on my way!" Scott shouted. "Oh, no." Mom sighed. "No! Not you!" I groaned, noticing Burch had found the van. "Really? This guy again?" Mom complained. "Change of plans." Mom puts the van in reverse, starting a car chase.

While driving the van, Mom shrunk the vehicle a few times to cause a few of Burch's goon's cars to crash. We also got a glimpse at some undercarriage. "Damn, that undercarriage is filthy." Luis commented. "Oh, they've got bigger problems." I replied. "Hope, what are you doing?" Scott asked. "You're heading away from the rendezvous point." "Don't worry, I'm taking these guys on the scenic route." Mom explains, shrinking the van again. "Oh my God!" Luis screamed. "Oh my God! We're gonna die!"

A few minutes later, Scott joined us in the van. Around the same time, the goons began shooting at the van. "Scott, take the wheel." Mom said, heading to the back. "What? Wait! Whoa." Scott replied. "What the hell, Mom!" I shouted. As Mom was trying to shoot discs at their bikes, Scott was out of control when it came to driving. Mom accidentally hit a disc against a nice old man's car. "Be careful up there!" Mom warned. "Hey, give me a break!" Scott exclaimed. "I haven't driven a car in two years!" I looked down at Luis's Pez dispenser and tossed it to Mom. "Catch, Mom!" I shouted. She catches the dispenser and grows it towards the goons. "Oh, you got pezed!" Luis exclaimed. Scott noticed that Ghost was riding on a stolen bike. Even though Bill is letting us save Grandma, didn't necessarily mean Ava would. "Up here!" Scott shouted, but then saw that Ghost was gone. "Oh, that's not good." She goes through the van and kicks Mom out of the back. "Mom!" I screamed. Ghost took the lab from Luis and escaped. Not to mention that Scott crashed the van. "I've got her. Westbound on Fremont." Mom said."Hope! Wait!" Scott shouted, leaving me with Luis. "Hey, wait! What about us?" Luis asked. "You can't just leave us here!" I complained.

"Burch got the lab." Mom explained. "I'm going after him." "Hurry! We're running out of time!" I warned. Luis noticed something on the floor of the van. "What is that?" He asked. "Shit. That's no good." I cursed, instantly recognizing it as the lab's remote. "Guys, don't you need the remote to the lab?" Luis asked. "Brenna and I just found it." "We can't grow the lab without it." Mom explains. "Get it to us fast." "Yeah, but the van is busted." Luis said. "Use the Hot Wheels Rally Case." Scott explains. "I'll grab it. It's in here." I replied, grabbing the case from the glove box, showing the miniature cars to Luis. "Your choice. Do you have a specific preference?" Luis grabbed a mini purple car with flames, satisfied with his choice. "I love you, Dr Pym." Luis whispered. "Great choice." I complimented.

We switched out the cars just as Burch was coming for the remote. I grabbed the van as Luis drove off. "Awesome!" Luis exclaimed while we were getting shot at by Burch. "Pull the lever, quickly!" I explained as he pulled the lever and shrank the car. We came across a hill and screamed as one car crashed and I enlarged the car. "Hey, we're going down Pacific." Luis said. "Burch's boys are all over us." "We switched to the flame car." I added. "I'm on my way." Mom said. "Right. I'll get the lab." Scott explains.

Mom flew towards Burch and his goons and took out a bunch of them. "Oh, that's badass." Luis complimented Mom's performance. "I know, right?" I asked. "She's had a lot of practice." All of a sudden, Mom joined us in the car. "Nice." Luis said. "Hi, Mom." I greeted. "Hey, sweetie." Mom replied.

Luis drove up to the pier where we saw Scott in the ocean about 80 feet tall. On the bright side, he did get the lab. "Oh no! He's too big!" I gasped. "Scotty!" Luis exclaimed. "Scott!" Mom shouted. "I'm gonna go to sleep." Scott said, exhausted. "I'm just gonna go to sleep now for five minutes. I just need five minutes. Five minutes." As Scott plunged into the water, everyone on the pier was drenched. "You guys get the lab somewhere safe." Mom explained, running to save Scott. "Scott's air won't last." "Okay." I said. As we ran to retrieve the lab, Ghost appeared and kicked us both. "No, wait!" Luis shouted as Ghost grew the lab. "Grandma and Gramps!" I gasped.

"Scotty, Hope, come in." Luis said. "Did you get crushed by the building?" Burch and his buddies approached us with their loaded guns. "Where's the remote, Luis and Brenna?" Burch asked. "It's probably in there." Luis replied. "We don't have it." I added. "I guess this is where we say, Adiós, amigos." Burch said. We waited for gunshots, but they never came. Dave and Kurt took out the buddies with taser guns and Luis punched Burch, knocking him out cold. "Thanks, guys." I thanked, running into the lab to check on everyone.

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