How Ant-Man And The Wasp Should Have Ended (With Brenna Van Dyne)

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1987. Hank and Janet are about to stop a missile launch.

Janet: Tell Hope I love her.

Janet goes subatomic to disarm the missile.

Hank: No, wait! Oh, no! She went subatomic and saved everyone. Everyone except me. Time for my trusty conveni-ants. Save me, ants! Oh, yeah. This missile travels faster than ants can fly. Well, poop.

The missile crashes somewhere in the ocean.

Present day. Ghost appears at the restaurant in front of Hope.

Hope: Guys, are you seeing this?

Brenna: Who the heck is that?

Hank: Hope, get out of there!

Hope: Okay!

Hope shrinks down along with the component, taunting Ghost in the process.

Hope: Aw, can you not fly? That's too bad. You guys probably better get the lab out of here. I'll just catch up later.

Hank: Yeah, okay. Good idea. We'll leave a Hot Wheel for you.


Luis: Hey, man. I've got this serious problem with this pointless security system job that's happening tomorrow morning. Why don't you tell me where you're at so I can come over there and you can help me fix it?

Scott: I don't think that's such a good idea, man. It's just not a good time right now.

Luis: No, no, no! You gotta help me out, bro! This is, like, a serious part of the story, for real!

Scott: I'm sorry. Gotta go, bye.

Later, Burch stops by to interrogate with Luis.

Burch: Where is Scott Lang literally speaking?

Luis: That's what I'm trying to tell you. He didn't tell me. I think he must be in some kind of trouble, or he's trying to work it with his girlfriend, you know? Otherwise, he'd for sure tell me because him and I are, like, best friends, you know? Well, I asked him and he was like, "Hey, Luis. You're my best friend, and I tell you everything, but I can't right now, so, I'll tell you later. Bye."

Ghost appears in the room all of a sudden.

Ghost: Crap!

Everyone starts freaking out.

Luis: Holy crap! It's a girl ghost!


Hope, Brenna, and Luis were in the van, just as Burch found them.

Hope: Change of plans.

Luis: Ooh, are we gonna go on, like, an awesome car chase through San Francisco even though we have a critical amount of time to save your mom?

Hope: Not exactly.

Hope shrinks the van, going underneath the undercarriage of Burch's cars.

Burch: What the? Where'd she go? What the heck is she doing?

Hope grows the van and flips the first car, shrinking it again.

Goon 1: Aw, man! What are we gonna do now?

Goon 2: I don't know. Where'd she go?

Hope grows the car again.

Brenna: That was easier than I expected.


Meanwhile, Hank has reunited with his wife, Janet in the quantum realm.

Hank: I can't believe it's really you down here.

Janet: Yeah. Pretty crazy, right?

Hank: How did you survive down here? I mean, what did you eat? How are we even breathing right now? Did you make these clothes? Where did you find these clothes? You look so beautiful. Are you wearing makeup? Where did you find makeup?

Janet: Oh, you know. Science. Molecules. Convenience.

Hank: Just like my conveni-ants.

Janet: No, Hank.

Hank: You understand what I'm saying.


Scott and the crew, minus Brenna built a smaller quantum tunnel inside Luis's van to collect healing particles for Ghost.

Janet: Oh, and don't get stuck in a time vortex. We won't be able to save you.

Hope: Okay, going subatomic in 3...2...

Scott: Guys, I don't feel right about this.

Hope: What do you mean?

Scott: Oh, I don't know, maybe because, The Avengers. Weren't you watching the news today? I think something huge is going down and the guys could really use my help.

Hank: We could use your help, Scott.

Janet: Yeah, this is important research.

Scott: Oh, is it? There are aliens attacking the city!

Hank, Janet, and Hope: Research!

Scott: But I'm not under house arrest anymore. I really feel like we're wasting really important time with this. Siri, where are the Avengers right now?

Siri: The Avengers are currently fighting Thanos in Wakanda.

Scott: Oh crap! You see what I'm saying? Who is Thanos? We gotta help them. Siri, where is Wakanda?

Siri: The location of Wakanda is currently unavailable.

Scott: Guys, this is serious. I feel like if we don't do something, like, right now, something really bad is gonna happen!

Hank, Janet, and Hope turn to dust.

Scott: Ugh! I knew it! See? You're dead. If only Brenna were here. If I went in the quantum realm, she could've pulled me out. Unless she's dead, too.

Meanwhile, at the Super Cafe.

Superman: What are you doing here by yourself?

Brenna: I was told to come to the cafe because Mr Lang said something about you guys saving a booth. Also, Grandma doesn't want me anywhere near that van. Don't ask why.

Superman: So, you saved your grandmother?

Brenna: I mean, Gramps did. I was in a car chase with Luis. Mr Lang went big again just like he did in Germany. I assume he made out with Mom for a bit.

Batman: I thought Ant-Man and Wasp would've been here by now.

Brenna: Yeah, me too. Maybe they're making out.

All of a sudden, many cars are crashing in front of the Super Cafe as Nick Fury turns into dust after using a pager.

Nick Fury: Motherfu...

Superman: What the heck was that?

Batman: Ahh! Nick Fury just turned to dust in front of our window! We gotta do something.

Brenna: I'll try to call Mom.

Superman: Uh, Bruce? This is different.

Superman turned into dust, just like Nick Fury did outside.

Batman: What the? Kal! Speak to me! What's going on?

Brenna: I can't get a hold of Mom!

All of a sudden, Batman suddenly starts turning into dust.

Batman: Oh, no. Not today. BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!

Somehow, Batman survives this. Because he's Batman.

Batman: I will avenge you, Superman, I mean, I will unite the league, you, Superman. Oh, nevermind. His dust is rising. He'll be back.

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