The Three Wombats

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Once Scott came back from his heist, I came downstairs after grabbing some lunch. "That was completely irresponsible and dangerous!" Gramps snapped at Scott. "You jeopardized everything!" "Is this a bad time?" I asked as Scott placed something on the table. "You got it." Mom said. "Well done." Gramps complimented. "Wait a minute, did you just compliment me?" Scott asked. "He did, didn't he?" "Kinda sounded like he did." I replied. "I was good, wasn't I?" Gramps asked. "Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn't die?" Scott gloated. "Let us not dwell on the past." Gramps said. "We gotta finish our planning." "Don't mind him. You did good." Mom complimented. "Nice work, Mr Lang." I added. "Nice job on not pissing my Gramps off." "Darren." I heard Gramps say. "How the hell did you get in here?" "You left the front door open, Hank." Dr Cross replied. "It's official. You're old." "The plans!" I gasped quietly. "He will kill him." Mom whispers. "Well, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Gramps asked. "I have great news." Dr Cross said. "Pym Tech, the company you created, is about to become one of the most profitable operations in the world. We're anticipating $15 billion in sales, tomorrow alone."

After Dr Cross left, we needed to talk to Gramps. "He knows we're baiting him. We have to call it off." Mom explains. "We're all taking risks." Gramps said. "What if he saw me here?" Mom asked. "He didn't." Gramps explained. "There's no way." "How do you know that?" Mom shouted, just as her phone rang. "Darren, hi. I'm at home. Why? Don't let him rile you up. He's just a senile old man. Great. Good idea." "So, what did he say?" I asked. "He's tripling security. He's lost his mind and he's onto you." Mom explains. "But he's not onto you." Gramps said. "He's adding full body scanners to all entrances and closing exterior vents." Mom continued. "How is Mr Lang supposed to get inside?" I wondered. "The water main. You can't add security to a water main." Scott replied. "The pressure is too strong, but if we can decrease it, that's how I get in." "Someone would have to reach the building's control center to change the water pressure." I said. "Mom, Gramps, and I will be beside Cross. How are we supposed to do that?" "So we expand our team." Scott explains. "What do we need? A fake security guard on the inside to de-pressurize the water system, somebody else to hack into the power supply to kill the laser grid, and a getaway guy." "No, no, no, no. Not those three wombats." Gramps refused. "No way!"

Scott called up his criminal buddies, Luis, Dave, and Kurt, to help us with our plan. Although, they're going to need a lot of explanation. "Thank you for the coffee, ma'am." Luis, one of the guys thanked my mom. "It's not too often that you rob a place and then get welcomed back. Because we just robbed you." "You know that he was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine, right?" Mom asked Scott. "Two smoothie machines." Luis corrected. "Are you sure they can handle this, Mr Lang?" I asked. "Oh, we can handle it. We're professionals." Luis replied. "You'll forgive us if we're not instilled with confidence." Gramps said. "Well, hey, everybody just kick back and relax a little bit, man." Dave said. "We know our business. We broke into this spooky-ass house, didn't we?" "I let you." Gramps explained. "Well, one could say that I let you let me." Dave said. "Look, it's okay. They can handle this." Scott explains. "Yeah, we can handle it." Luis added. "You got their credentials?" Scott asked. "He's in the system." I replied. "I'm in the system?" Luis asked. "Alright, there's something you guys need to see." Scott said.

As Gramps went over the plan to the wombats, Scott got dressed in his suit. "Whoa, that is so cool, bro." Luis complimented. "Now, look, this is gonna get weird, alright?" Scott explains. "It's pretty freaky, but it's safe. There's no reason to be scared." "Oh, no, Daddy don't get scared." Luis says confidently. "Really?" Scott asked. "Good." As Scott shrank down to the floor, his friends were pretty shocked. Just for giggles, I started filming their reactions on my phone. "This is the work of gypsies." Kurt gasped. "That's witchcraft." Dave commented. "That was amazing." Luis added. "That's like some David Copperfield shit. How'd you do that, bro?" "Don't freak out. Look at your shoulder." Scott said. Luis saw how tiny he was and began screaming like a little girl. "That's a keeper." I joked. "I thought Daddy didn't get scared?" Scott teased.

"I gave them each half a Xanax and Hank explained the science of the suit to them." Mom told Scott about an hour later. "They fell right asleep." "Hey, look." Scott said. "I wanna thank you..." "No, please don't." Mom interrupted. "We're all doing this for reasons much bigger than any one of us. I'm just glad that you might have a slight chance of maybe pulling this off." "Night, Mom." I yawned, heading to my room. "Night, Mr Lang."

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