The Ultimate Plan

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The next day, it was finally time to put our plan into action. "Alright. Just so we're clear, everyone here knows their role, right?" Scott asked. "Dave?" "Wheels on the ground." Dave replied. "Kurt?" Scott asked. "Eyes in the sky." Kurt replied. "Luis?" Scott wondered. "Oh, man, you know it. You know what? I get to wear a uniform. That's what's up." Luis recalled. "Luis." Scott said. "I'm sorry. I'm good. I'm just excited." Luis apologized. "Plus, your girlfriend's kinda hot. So, you know, that makes me nervous. And you are very beautiful, ma'am." "That's my mom!" I exclaimed. "Oh, my Lord." Gramps mumbled. "She's not my..." Scott explains. "You know what? I was thinking of a tactic, like when I go undercover." Luis said. "Like a whistling. You know what I'm saying? To like, blend in." "No. Don't whistle. No whistling." Scott declined. "It's not The Andy Griffith Show. No whistling."

Later that night, Scott and the Wombats were in position. I was getting a ride to the building with Gramps. Because of Dr Cross and his extra security, Gramps couldn't get in. "What are you doing?!" I shouted at the security guards. "Listen to me, if I don't get into this building, people will die." Gramps explained, just as Dave drove off to distract them. I was able to sneak inside with Gramps.

After going through security, Dr Cross came to greet me and Gramps before his presentation. "There they are." Dr Cross said. "Hank, Brenna. Just in time. Come on." He took us to a secured place where the suit was being protected. "It's a little over the top, don't you think?" Gramps asked. "Well, you can never be too safe." Dr Cross replied as the doors began to open. "Gotta hand it to you, Darren. You really did it." Gramps complimented. "And you only know the half of it, Hank." Dr Cross said. Suddenly, some man walked into the room, shaking hands with Dr Cross. "Mr Carson introduced me to these fine gentleman here. They're representatives of HYDRA. They're nothing what they were." He explained. "They're doing some interesting work. And I'm enjoying myself. You tried to hide your technology from me. And now it's gonna blow up in your face." The next thing I know, Gramps punched Dr Cross in the face. "Oh, shit!" I gasped. "Wow! I mean, I saw that punch coming a mile away, but I just figured it'd be all pathetic and weak." Dr Cross said. "Well, you figured wrong." Gramps explained.

"Hey, little guy." Dr Cross said to Scott, taking the Yellowjacket suit. "I always expected you had a suit stored away somewhere. Which begs the question, who is the new Ant-Man? Who is the man that my beloved mentor trusted even more than me? Scott Lang. A martyr who took on the system and paid the price, losing his family and his only daughter in the process. Exactly your kind of guy, Hank! He escapes his jail cell without any clue as to how. And then he disappears magically despite having no money to his name. And now he brings me the Ant-Man suit. The only thing that can rival my creation." "Darren, don't do this." Gramps begged. "If you sell to these men, it's gonna be chaos!" I added. "Hush, child!" Dr Cross snapped as I gave him a gesture. "Besides, I already have. And for twice the price, thanks to you. It's not easy to successfully infiltrate an Avengers facility. Thankfully, word travels fast. I'll sell them the Yellowjacket, but I'm keeping the particle to myself. They don't run on diesel. If you want the fuel, you have to come to me. What do you call the only man who can arm the most powerful weapon in the world?" "The most powerful man in the world." Gramps replied. "You proud of me yet?" He asked. "You can stop this, Darren. It's not too late." Gramps said. "It's been too late for a long time now." Dr Cross replied. His security aims their guns at me and Gramps. "Darren!" Mom exclaimed. "What are you doing?" "He wasn't any more capable of caring for you than he was for me, let alone your own daughter." Dr Cross replied. "This is not who you are." Mom said. "It's the particles altering your brain chemistry." "Wait, wait, wait! You're right. I have to be the one to do it." He said, taking a gun, but not before Mom took a gun as well. "Drop your gun." Mom grunted. "You know, I came to the house the other night to kill him, but you were there." Dr Cross confessed. "You're sick and I can help you." Mom said. "Just put the gun down." "Mom, I'm scared." I cried. "I wasn't ready to kill you then, but I think I am now!" Dr Cross explains. "Drop your gun, NOW!" Mom snapped. "You picked the wrong side, Hope." Dr Cross said as the glass was shattered and Scott broke free, ready to kick ass. Good thing I was trained in martial arts. As we all fought against the security, Dr Cross ended up shooting Gramps. "Dad!" Mom cried. "Gramps!" I shouted. Scott returned to normal size to check on Gramps. "Hank, no." Scott said. "Hank. Listen, you're gonna be just fine, alright?" Dr Cross placed his gun on Scott's head. "Take the suit off or I'll blow your brains out and peel it off." Mom and I sent a message to the ants to disable the gun, but they end up leaving the vault. "Gramps, are you okay?" I asked. "Can you move." He nodded. "We need to get him out of here." Scott explained. "Go get that suit." Mom said with a broken voice. "I believe in you, Mr Lang." I encouraged. "The charges are set." Mom said. "We've got to find a way out of here, and fast." "Don't worry. I'm not gonna die. And neither are you." Gramps reassured us, pulling out his keychain. "It's not a keychain."

Gramps brought the tank to normal size and we escaped the building. Since he was still wounded, Luis helped get him to safety. Shortly after, the building exploded.

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