How Ant-Man Should Have Ended (With Brenna Van Dyne)

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Scott Lang just gets out of prison and goes to meet with his friend, Luis.

Luis: Hey!

Hank Pym, his daughter, Hope, and his granddaughter, Brenna pull up in front of Luis.

Hank: Hi, Scott.

Scott: Holy crap. You're Hank Pym.

Hank: That's right, Scott. And I know you're a talented engineer with amazing skills. That's why I want you to come work for me.

Scott: Okay...

Hank: At first, my granddaughter had this plan involving your thief buddy over there.

Luis: Hey!

Hank: He'd get you to steal something from me and try it out.

Luis: Hmm. Probably would've worked.

Brenna: Oh, it would've.

Hank: You'd get arrested, then I'd break you out of jail.

Hope: Dad, enough already!

Hank: Right! Anyway, it was way too complicated... So I thought I'd just pull up here now and offer you a ton of money to come work with me on a very special project. What do you say?

Scott: Wow, um, that actually sounds pretty good.

Luis: Hey, man! What about me? Don't you wanna, like, eat waffles in my crappy apartment and eventually give in to pursuing a life of crime?

Hank: Plus, my daughter's pretty hot and she'll be training you.

Scott: Luis?

Luis: I've got this sweet horn.

Scott: I'm in, Mr Pym.

Luis: I respect your decision. Follow your dreams!

Interior: Pym Technology

Dr Cross: We will use a shrinking suit to create invisible, undetectable soldiers, just like this one. See! I figured out your secret, Pym!

Brenna: What do you mean invisible undetectable soldiers? You can clearly see my Gramps in that old footage.

Buyer 1: Hey, she's right.

Buyer 2: Yeah, that's not invisible! We can totally see the suit right there in the case!

Buyer 1: This is a bust. What else do you have?

Dr Cross: Uh, well, I made this gun that shrinks people into a gooey puddle.

Dr Cross zaps someone into a puddle, impressing the buyers.

Buyer 2: Just think of all the undetectable killings we could get away with!

Buyer 1: We'll take one million of those little goop guns.

Buyer 2: We'll take two million!

Dr Cross: Great! I'm gonna take care of our buyers. Hope, will you please see Hank and Brenna out? Thanks. Buh bye.

Dr Cross leave with the buyers, leaving Hank, Hope, and Brenna with the Yellowjacket suit.

Hope: He actually left us alone with the suit.

Brenna: Who would've thought?

Hank: Then let's get started.

Hank blew up the tank, destroying the servers, the suit, and the entire building.

Interior: Super Hero Cafe.

Hank: So, we took the place out, shrunk back the tank, and nobody understood what the heck happened.

Superman: Wow, that sounds a little too easy.

Scott: Yeah, they didn't even really need me when you think about it.

Hank: Well, we were gonna have this elaborate mission impossible caper with ants, but these three insisted it wasn't necessary.

Brenna: Gramps, I was totally fine with that plan.

Hope: You had an actual tank in your pocket, Dad.

Hank: But it's mission impossible with ants! Have you seen Mission Impossible? It's got Tom Cruise and everything. It's a very exciting picture.

Hope: We didn't need to do Mission Impossible with ants.

Hank: Tom Cruise does his own stunts, you know.

Hope: Dad.

Hank: This last time, he hung off the side of a plane!

Scott: Nobody cares, Hank.

Brenna: I care, Mr Lang. We could've done that!

Hope: Brenna!

Brenna: But with ants.

Superman: How do you carry that tank around anyway?

Batman: If the mass stays the same, shouldn't that tank weigh, like, 60 tons?

Hank: Oh, science... molecules...

Brenna: Convenience.

Hank: You understand what I'm saying.

Superman: What I don't understand is how fast you put on your shrinking suits. I mean, I can do it, sure. But I have super speed. No one without superpowers could get into that suit that fast.

Scott and Batman: I can.

Superman: How?

Batman: Because I'm Bat...

Scott: Because I'm Ant-Man.

Batman: What the?! That's my... I say that.

Scott: You say, I'm Ant-Man? That's weird.

Batman: No! I say Batman. Because I'm Batman!

Scott: And I'm Ant-Man.

Batman: Stop saying that!

Scott: But I am Ant-Man.

Batman: And I am Batman!

Hope: Oh my gosh.

Scott: Don't make me shrink down and run across this table and punch you in the face!

Batman: Bring it!

Batman shrinks down to the table, leaving everyone in shock.

Superman: What? How?

Batman: Because I'm Batman!

Just a little bonus chapter I did because I was bored and I really like these videos. -Mal.

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