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Wakey wakey, Upper East Siders. Welcome to the first day of senior year and the onset of a new social dynasty. The big question is, with Alexa single and on top of the world... will Constance become the house of Solano?

Alexa stayed in the Hamptons an extra week while everyone went back to the city. She wanted to collect herself one last time before the start of senior year

Now she's in the streets of Manhattan walking to Serena's place. She promised the blonde they will ride to school together since it's their last first day and Blair having a weird thing with her minions which Alexa never understood.


"Well look who it is, good morning Alexa" Lily hugged the girl

"Good morning Lilly, congratulations once again" Alexa says with Lilly responding with a smile

Serena waves to her friend and continues the conversation with her mother while Alexa stood and ate some of the food on the table

"We were talking romantic getaway, walking on the beach. Details. I could stay home and then we could go to lunch together." Serena says

"Stay home? It's your first day of..." Lily starts

"Serena and Dan broke up. Tragic." Chuck cuts off Lilly

Alexa gives Chuck deadly look "Chuck be nice"

Serena gave Alexa the run down on what happened between her and lonely boy over the phone. Alexa felt for Serena, so she will stand up for her no matter what

"If not entirely unprecedented. But not without an upside. Humphrey was holding you back." Chuck adds walking away with Eric

"So you broke up. I didn't even know you two were back together." Lily says to Serena

Serena sighs "Yeah."

"Are you okay?" Lily asks

"No. But I will be. I hope. I don't know. Having to see him every day, it's... It's gonna be really hard." Serena says

Alexa takes her hand and squeeze it "You know what? Every day gets a little bit easier." Lily nods and gives both girls a smile


Bruce came back to the Upper east side last night and came to school worried about running into a certain someone

Chuck spots Bruce on look out "You'd be the worst PI ever." Chuck says from behind him.

Bruce shrugs "Don't wanna be caught off guard. Surprised I haven't seen her."

Chuck nods "Yeah, especially since you're in the girls' hallway looking for her."

As Chuck walks away Bruce turns around and bumps into someone

Bruce looks at the girl and bends down to get her books he knocked over "I'm so sorry. Let me get those for you."

"Oh, thanks. I'm Amanda I just transferred in."

Bruce laughs "I'm Bruce, I just assaulted you. Welcome."

Alexa puts her face in her hands "I just hid there."

Alexa was walking in the halls when she spotted Bruce, standing in the courtyard talking to some of his lax teammates. While he didn't notice her she saw him and hid behind the wall.

"How pathetic is that?" Alexa asks Blair and Serena

Both B & S opened their mouths about to say something

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