school lies

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On the upper east side, it's easy to think that the world is exactly as it appears-- refined, elegant, imposing. But sometimes, all it takes is a little key to open the door to the wild side.

Alexa Blair and Serena one moment were hanging out at B's place and the next is at the school's pool having a party

Alexa got out of the pool needing some air and sees Serena diss chuck

"Spotted, Chuck in his natural habit getting rejected but by his sister" Alexa laughs

Chuck looks at the girl in a two-piece "Well how about you help me mourn by taking that two-piece off skinny dipping perhaps"

Alexa scoffs "You are demented" 

"Why? scared Bruce is going to find out" Chuck says

Alexa freezes and Chuck notices the girls change in mood

"You know, he  was in Monaco with me and he kept getting phone calls but he refused to answer so as a good friend I decided to look at his phone and they were all you, the day has come when Alexa Solano is the mouse " Chuck states

"Chuck, Don't talk about anything you know nothing about," Alexa says

The Bass boy knows he's pulling a string so he keeps going 

"The whole trip he was in a sour mood, and even refused to come home. Nate and I almost thought of shoving him into a suitcase in his sleep but decided a cleanse from the city would be good for whatever problem he's dealing with. So my question is what did you do?" 

Alexa looks at Chuck and rolls her eyes "That's what I want to know excuse me" and walks away

Alexa was talking to Blair when all of the sudden a someone fell into the pool

"Call the ambulance! Call an ambulance."

"Someone call 9-1-1."

Nate pull him up out of the water and everyone surrounded the kid

Serena calls 911  "We need an ambulance. Yeah, a kid hit his head, and he fell in the pool. it's 719, uh, east 82nd street."


"Thanks to the cell phone that somebody left behind, we've got plenty of evidence of who was at the party." They all got caught and now are getting lectured by the headmistress and The boys headmaster   

"Lucky for you, Andrew Collins is going to be fine Unlucky for you, we need to hold someone responsible."

"Hello. I'm Ms. Queller, the new headmistress at Constance. It's unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances. But I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I've already talked to your parents. At least, those I could reach, and look forward to reading your personal essays 10,000 words describing how you came to be on school property after hours, using alcohol and drugs, where a fellow student almost died. In other words, what the hell is wrong with you?" Queller states

"I'll also be conducting one-on-one interviews until I discover who broke into the pool and initiated the party. That person will be expelled. If that person is not identified, then you'll all face expulsion." Ms. Queller adds

We all stand at the school entrance 

"So we all know how this works," Blair says

"Look, no one talks, no one gets into trouble" Chuck states 

"Who did break in, anyway?" Nate adds 

"I guess we don't he to worry about Nate cracking under pressure" Chuck laughs

"So are we all agreed?" Blair asks looking at Alexa

"Agreed," Alexa says

Dan looks at the group reasoning "Look, Blair, I know you have your sights set on yale, but this skull and bones stuff is a bit much, don't you think?"

"Maybe, but it works every time" Blair smirks while walking way 


"Spotted--lonely boy learning that when the punishment fits the crime, here's no reason you can't serve your sentence in style."

Blair is holding a little get together to "work" on their essays"

Alexa is talking to Serena when Dan approaches them

Serena hugs Dan "Yay! You're here" 

"I thought we were gonna work on our papers," Dan asks

"We are One night at bilboquet, Kati, and is made out with a guy in Cornell's ethics program. they're getting tips now." Alexa says

Vanessa standing next to Dan is holding a camera 

"I thought I told you you couldn't film, come here," Blair says pulling both girls aside 

"You are so naive," Blair says

"Michael Moore over there is obviously just using this film to get close to Dan" Alexa adds

"No, she needs that grant money," Serena says and walks away so does Blair

Alexa goes to a quiet part of Blair's house to make a phone call

please leave your message for ----


"Settle down, please. Yesterday I talked about the serious consequences of your dishonorable actions and obviously, you didn't believe me. But someone came forward today and claimed responsibility..." Ms. Queller states

"Do you know who?" Alexa whispered to Serena 

"For a crime, he did not commit And although I appreciate his self-sacrifice I don't abide dishonesty And I think it's time you all know how serious I am Nathaniel Archibald is
suspended from st Jude's, And, yes, this will go on his transcript Effective immediately. Mr. Archibald, you know where to find the exit" Everyone watches Nate walkout.

This just in, Nate Archibald, dead man walking We hear st Jude's has a new policy an eye for a lie.

"Watch him go, students. Who wants to be next? Until one of you comes forward we'll keep going until every last one of you has walked out that door" Queller adds

Alexa was called down to the office for an interview with Ms.Queller

"You are in luck, I was unable to get in touch with your father," Ms.Queller says

"You are not the only one," Alexa says with a sarcastic smile

"I must say your file reads more like a rap sheet. You cut more sophomore classes than you attended, cheated on tests, talked back to teachers, used drugs on the school grounds. What can you say to convince me you weren't the one to break into the school" Ms. Queller asks

"Look, I know on paper it's easy to be convinced I did this but I had no part. I attended yes which I know I shouldn't have but I did not break it I went simply due to invitation" Alexa states

"And why should I believe that, I've read the papers I know who you are and what you do on your own time. This bad girl act isn't going to get you anywhere frankly it's just sad watching you striving for attention due to the loss of your mother and absence of your father" Queller says 

"I didn't do this alright I don't know what else to say" Alexa gets up "I don't appreciate your comments on my life which you know nothing about" and she leaves the room 

One thing about being on the inside, once you get there, you don't always
get to choose where you stand... Or sit. 

Sometimes you need to step outside clear your head and remind yourself of who you are And where you want to be And sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself

As for me, I'm happy right where I am

I only wanna be with you

X.O.X.O, Gossip Girl

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