Summary: Gwaine brings home a cow and you have to deal with it.
'Hey, Gwaine where did the hell did you get this cow?' You said, dropping the grocery bags. 'We live on the third floor.'
'Her name is Geraldine! Show some respect, (Y/N).' Gwaine said.
The cow in question was eating the side of Arthur's couch, and Gwaine was (much to your confusion) covering the cows ears while lying on his stomach, legs resting on Percival. Percival was absorbed in animal crossing, Merlin was in the kitchen making bread, and Arthur had yet to return home.
'I don't think the cow understands English - let alone curse words.'
'That doesn't mean anything.'
(Y/N) sighed. There was no way to win the argument with Gwaine and you knew it.
'Do you have any idea what you're going to feed it?' (Y/N) asked. 'I presume she won't eat the grass that's been on our dirty couch.'
In response to this Gwaine sat up and kicked Percival lightly on the shoulder with his foot. However Percival didn't respond.
'Fine, I'll go and ask Merlin.' (Y/N) sighed. You picked the grocery bags up and walked over to the kitchen. Unbeknownst to you, Geraldine had followed you into the kitchen. Gwaine had noticed, but he kept his mouth shut (as he was interested in seeing where this would go.)
Abruptly the door to the apartment banged open to reveal a very angry Arthur Pendragon. Apparently he had not had a good day.
So, it was no surprise that you (and presumably every other person in the apartment) tuned him out when he started to speak. That was until he started ranting about the cow.
'-and then to make matters worse I come back to find grass all up the stairs. As if someone let a cow in here.' Arthur yelled.
Surreptitiously Gwaine stuffed the grass that had been strewn over the couch into his pants pockets. You placed a hand over your mouth to cover your smile.
Then a loud clang could be heard. Arthur looked over, only to see Merlin drop a frying pan onto the tiles next to Geraldine (who was absentmindedly chewing on the end of his scarf.)
'Oh, stupid cow!' Merlin cursed (apparently not realising that Arthur was present.)
'Merlin! What do you have to say for yourself?' Arthur asked.
Also, honestly? I didn't think I'd ever actually get this finished, and I'm not 100% happy with the final product, but it's here now so....*shrugs* Hope you enjoy reading it!
6th April 2022
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