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"You want me to come to Korea for two months? Are you serious?" His smile returns and he nods. "Yes baby. I can't stand being away from you like this." I'm flustered, never expecting him to say this. "I can't afford a plane ticket to Korea Jungkook!" He gives me a shut-the-fuck-up look and says, "I pay for you to come." Still in shock I then say, "I don't even own a passport! Don't they take like a month to get?" He doesn't skip a beat to counter my statement. "Let me handle that." "What am I supposed to do about my house being empty for two months?" He looks down and sighs. "Do you not want to come Ella? It's ok if-" I cut him off.  "No! That's not what I mean!" I laugh and run my hand through my hair. "This is just crazy to me. I've never done anything that wasn't planned out in my life. I'm not adventurous like Kayla." He smiles and says, "Then be time. For me. For us. I want to see you and feel you and touch you. I know it has only been days but it feels like forever and I'm going crazy. The members have even said how distracted I have been since we came back. I need you baby. Please say yes. Please come to me." This is crazy. How can I just up and go to Korea for two whole months?! What about my mail and getting things ready for the new school year? I have a life here. Well....not much of a life, but all I know is rural Ohio. How can I go to a foreign country when I can't even speak the language and don't recognize more than a few random words I've learned from kdramas. I can't go to Korea! This is reckless! I don't do reckless. But when I look at him and see his pleading eyes that's begging to hear me say yes all those reasons disappear. I smile and whisper "ok."

Jungkook jumps off the bed and yells. "Really???? You will really come here and be with me?" Laughing, I nod and say, "How can I say no to you?" He hugs the phone and then it falls to the floor. He hurriedly picks up, making sure I'm still there. "I'm sorry! Oh baby I'm so happy! Thank you thank you thank you!!!" He starts dancing around his room yelling and Taehyung breaks through the door. He speaks in Korean and, although I can't understand him, I can tell he was startled. Jungkook apologizes "miane" (one of the kdrama words I learned) and runs up and hugs him yelling something I don't understand. Taehyungs eyes go wide and he looks at the phone. I can't help but notice the not-so-happy-for-his-friend look on his face. What is his deal, I think to myself. He's the only member who hasn't been friendly to me. I can't think of ever even talking to him except the one thing he said to me in Chicago. Then he was one of the main perpetrators who told Jungkook to not contact me when he left. Why does he obviously not like me? Is it because I'm a foreigner? I know how much Koreans value their heritage and traditions, and Jungkook being with me goes against some of them. He says something else to Jungkook and I immediately see it affected him. His smile vanished and he just stood there looking at his friend. Taehyung looked at him for another second and walked out. Jungkook sighs and then lifts the phone to look at me. "What did he say to you Jungkook? I don't know Korean but I can read expressions and whatever he said wasn't nice" I immediately ask him. He sighs but forces a smile. "He just worries for me. He's my Hyung. But don't worry, he will love you like the others do. It only takes him a little longer." The entire mood of the conversation and excitement has vanished, left was an uneasy and uncomfortable tension. "Please Ella. Don't let hyung keep you from coming. He will love you once he gets to know you. Please don't say you won't come." I force a smile, still feeling the sting of the obvious disapproval Taehyung has of me. "Yes...I'll still come. It bothers me that he doesn't like me when he doesn't even know me, but this isn't about him. It's about you and me." He beams again and jumps up and down. "Ok...hah!....ok.....I will talk with PDnim to get passport rushed to get you here as soon as possibly." I giggle at his mispronunciation. "It's just possible baby. Not possibly. You're too cute." He blushes but claps his hands. "Ok! I want to talk to you every second until you are in my arms again, but I need to sleep because I have vocal practice at 8am then dance practice. I shouldn't be too tired. Hoseok hyung can be scary if we mess up choreography, haha." I laugh, recalling an interview where they said Jhope doesn't like when they mess up choreography and he can be the scariest member, but tell him to go to sleep and I will use the day to apply for my passport. "I don't know how long it will take to get your passport rushed, but I will speak with PDnim during break tomorrow and get you here as fast as I can. I'm going to sleep now. I miss you baby." I reply, "I miss you too. Have sweet dreams and sleep well." He smiles and says, "my dreams will be filled with you so I won't want to wake up. I'll see you soon my love. Annyo...I mean bye!" Laughing I say bye and the call ends. I look down at the bracelet and feel a swelling in your chest. And at this moment I admit to myself that what Kayla said in LA was true. I'm falling in love with Jungkook.

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