Chapter 1

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Hizashi stared at the letter, not daring to open it, afraid of the words that lay in ink underneath the envelope.  As much as Hizashi wanted to tear the letter open he couldn't.  This letter would determine his future, and honestly?...  He was scared.  Scared that if he wasn't chosen that his life would be over, scared to find out if he truly was a useless piece of shit like everyone said.  So he continued to stare at the letter, as if he could make it disappear with his mind.


 Hours had passed and Hizashi still hadn't touched his envelope from Yuuei.  By the time Hizashi noticed that his dad had come home, he had already started to make dinner.  Upon noticing that Hizashi had- for lack of a better word, awaken from his trance he signed to Hizashi.  "Hey kiddo, congrats on getting into Yuuei!"  All of Hizashi's surroundings seemed to blur.  'I- I got in?'  Several moments passed.  'I got in!  Holy shit!'  Quickly, his surroundings gained back their shape and he signed back to his dad.  "I got in!  I'm actually going to Yuuei next year!  Holy fucking shit, this is the best day ever!"  The two men hugged.  "Wait, dad how did you find out?  I hadn't opened my letter yet."  His dad took a step back and showed him his phone.  "Believe it or not we live in a modern world with such thing as an e-mail."  


Sleep wasnt working in Hizashi's favor that night.  His brain was running at a thousand miles per hour.  'Maybe some of the kids that will be in class 1-A next year can't sleep either."  

 Now, Hizashi wasn't wrong.  In fact he was rather on point.  While some of his soon-to-be classmates were dancing in excitement or peacefully sleeping, one was busy feeding the neighborhood strays.


"Shouta has Duchess had her kittens yet?"  

"No but by the looks of her stomach they'll be out by the end of the week."  Shouta continued to pet Duchess's head.  When Duchess had first showed up on their porch, she was following a calico friend of hers.  She had been shy and hesitant, but now she was confident and very, very pregnant.  "Have any other cats showed up yet Shouta?"  

"Yeah, Mira and Sioux showed up together.  Rose Jin, Quail, Indigo and Clowntown came a little after them.  Then Utopia showed up without Jinx, but Jinx showed up later, so he's not dead.  That's all that I saw but Citrus will probably show up later since Quail is still here."  Shouta's ability to remember every single one of the stray cats names was constantly impressing his Mom.  Thankfully he could also use that memory ability towards his schoolwork, another talent that his mother lacked.  And with that talent and lots of hard work, he was able to get accepted into Yuuei high school.  One of the top schools in Japan that trained students in hero work.  Shouta was the most excited he had ever been to go there.  His moms (yes we get to that part later) were also excited for him.  The two were also grateful that Shouta would be getting a chance to make some friends at Yuuei.  Bullies were constantly harassing Shouta and he didn't have anyone to lean on.  Shouta was getting tired of being shoved against lockers and called names daily.  That's part of why he applied to Yuuei.  To get away from those bullies, sure there would still be some at Yuuei but he was being trained in how to defend himself right?  Shouta was just happy that his freshman year would be different.


There was one more eager teenager who wasn't dancing in joy or dozing off.  Instead he was helping his little sister with her third grade homework.  



sooo... did you like it?  Sorry for the crappy ending I just really wanted to publish this.  Trying to get to 100 followers by May 15,  anyway hope you enjoyed.  Constructive criticism is welcome, and uh.. have fun waiting for the next chapter?

-Circus <3

(Published 04/13/2022)

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