Chapter 3

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(to my few readers: thanks so much for voting <3 it means a lot, can we pretend that this chapter isn't late as heck?)

The three boys were excitedly watching the clock as the final seconds of middle school concluded.  Bells rang across the country and soon after children flooded the streets.  The summer went by in a flash, and all to quickly Japans youth were sent to their hellholes again.   


Yuuei was confusing.  It had way too many hallways.  Too many doors and too many nervous freshmen.  It was the actual definition of hell.  No one knew  where their classes were, and the principal seemed to be enjoying it a little too much.  At least that's what Hizashi thought.  The little mouse bear man gave him the creeps.  He glanced at his class sheet and walked over to a blue haired kid who seemed to know where he was going.  "Do you have any idea where class 1A is?"  A smile formed on the his lips as he shook his head.  "I wish, this place is a maze...  Anyways I'm in 1A too!  Guess we're classmates, my name is Oboro."  


Oboro was quickly growing fond of his new friend as they wandered around.  The blond was really funny and had the prettiest green eyes.  "Hizashi?"  He turned his attention to Oboro.  "Yeah?  What's up?"

"I think I figured the map out.."

"Oh really?  That's great!  Why don't you sound excited?"

"Cause it's on the opposite side of the building."


So the boys continued their conversation, exchanging interests and hobbies.  Quickly gaining a liking for each other, and also realizing something important.  "Um.. Oboro, do you think we should get kid for our friend group?"  An expression of panic spread across Oboro's face.  "Uh.. What makes you say that?"

"Well it's just that you and I are kinda high energy, and I've been watching a lot of American movies this summer.. There's usually a quieter third person in the group who kinda chills them out.  I really like you so far, I just think we're too.. what's the word?  Fantabulous.  We're just too damn fantabulous for people to handle."  Hizashi explained.

Oboro stared at him for a second.  "Like someone to keep us from annoying our teachers?"

"Exactly- does that sound ok?" 

"Uhm, yeah.. Yeah of course!"

The two boys walked quietly for a couple seconds, both feeling awkward.  "Do you have a favorite food?"  Hizashi glanced up, meeting Oboro's eyes.  "Fried chicken, I really like American stuff, do you think that's weird?" 

"No it's not weird.  Not at all.  I've never had that before actually- I'm more into sushi."

"You've never had fried chicken?!  Seriously?  Ok you know what?  I'm taking you to my favorite fried chicken place after school."

"Do I get a say in this?"

"Ye- No, actually you don't." 

<Minor timeskip because I said so->

When the boys walked into class it was only about halfway full, some kids with bright colored hair were sitting towards the front, in the middle there was a cluster of band kids, exchanging stories from middle school, along with a couple jocks joking around.  Oboro continued looking around the room whereas Hizashi-


'OH.  MY.  FUCK.'  Hizashi stood frozen at the doorway.  His eyes were stuck on the most perfect ravenette in existence.  Sitting quietly in the back of the class.  Yes, this may be dramatic but the way that his hair perfectly framed his face was deserving of admiration.  Speaking of his face- HOT DAMN.  No other way to describe it, two simple words: hot. damn.

Without any hesitation Hizashi grabbed Oboro's wrist and dragged him over to the emo child, not giving a thought to the presumably funny face Oboro was making.  When they approached the desk Hizashi let go and leaned down to be level with his pretty classmate's face.  "Hello!  What's your name?"

(published 10/24/22)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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