Maddie: Seed of swordspine, one cup of dirt from a widow's grave, add both to bubbling bog water, and finally, one half drop of worm snake venom. Steady... steady...
Rosemary, Lavender and Ginger: Maddie! Maddie! Maddie! Maddie! Maddie!
Snake Leaf: [hisses]
Maddie: Hi, Rosemary, Ginger, and Lavender. What are you doing here?
Rosemary: Hey, sis! You promise you play with us, remember?
Maddie: I'm in a middle of a spell. We can play tomorrow.
Ginger: That's what you said yesterday.
Maddie: Look, Mrs. Jonkins is counting on me to bring her pet, Fleafy, back to life.
[Crow caws]
Maddie: Hey, hey! Get out of here! Necromancy is really advanced magic. It said that only level two witches can pull it off. I've only done level spells up so-
Ginger: Boo! Magic is boring!
Lavender: And creepy. Let's play instead!
Rosemary: Remember when you used to juggle us?
Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Juggle us! Juggle us!
Maddie: Fine, give me a few minutes to wrap this up, and we'll play.
Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Yay!
3 hours later
Maddie: Almost there...
She chuckles maniacally
She snores
Rosemary: What happened to a few minutes?
Rosemary: Oh.
Lavender: Huh?
They giggles
Maddie: Aah!
Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Aah!
Maddie: No! That took all morning!
Tree: [growls]
Maddie: Uh, oh.
Sub-Zero: Classic Mar-Mar studying plants Talia.
Marcy: Crockside conifer. What a find! And they said compiling a plant cyclopedia would be boring.
Maddie and the Sisters: Aah!
Talia al Ghul: That doesn't sound good.
Tree: [growls]
Marcy: No frogging way! A curse user here?
Sub-Zero: Yeah, that's Maddie she helped us when Barry cursed us.
Sub-Zero: She also used to be engaged to Sprig, it's a long story Talia.
Talia al Ghul: Oh, Okay.
She pants
Maddie: What's the matter with you three?!
Rosemary: We were just trying to play with you.
She groans
Maddie: Well now I definitely don't have time. Go home and help dad with the bakery or something. Sometimes, I wish you three would grow up.
Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Aww.
She sighs
Marcy: Ok, Mars. Be cool. Just get out there and introduce yourself with confidence.
Marcy: Hi, there!
Sub-Zero and the Amphibia Season 2
AbenteuerAnne and Sub-Zero and the Plantar are heading out on a new quest to unlock the mysteries of the Calamity Box as they leave the cozy confines of Wartwood for the distant city of the Newtopia. On their journey, they will visit exotic new locations, un...