Chapter 29: Maddie, Sub-Zero, Marcy & Talia al Ghul

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Maddie: Seed of swordspine, one cup of dirt from a widow's grave, add both to bubbling bog water, and finally, one half drop of worm snake venom. Steady... steady...

Rosemary, Lavender and Ginger: Maddie! Maddie! Maddie! Maddie! Maddie!

Snake Leaf: [hisses]

Maddie: Hi, Rosemary, Ginger, and Lavender. What are you doing here?

Rosemary: Hey, sis! You promise you play with us, remember?

Maddie: I'm in a middle of a spell. We can play tomorrow.

Ginger: That's what you said yesterday.

Maddie: Look, Mrs. Jonkins is counting on me to bring her pet, Fleafy, back to life.

[Crow caws]

Maddie: Hey, hey! Get out of here! Necromancy is really advanced magic. It said that only level two witches can pull it off. I've only done level spells up so-

Ginger: Boo! Magic is boring!

Lavender: And creepy. Let's play instead!

Rosemary: Remember when you used to juggle us?

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Juggle us! Juggle us!

Maddie: Fine, give me a few minutes to wrap this up, and we'll play.

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Yay!

3 hours later

Maddie: Almost there...

She chuckles maniacally

She snores

Rosemary: What happened to a few minutes?

Rosemary: Oh.

Lavender: Huh?

They giggles

Maddie: Aah!

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Aah!

Maddie: No! That took all morning!

Tree: [growls]

Maddie: Uh, oh.

Sub-Zero: Classic Mar-Mar studying plants Talia.

Marcy: Crockside conifer. What a find! And they said compiling a plant cyclopedia would be boring.

Maddie and the Sisters: Aah!

Talia al Ghul: That doesn't sound good. 

Tree: [growls]

Marcy: No frogging way! A curse user here?

Sub-Zero: Yeah, that's Maddie she helped us when Barry cursed us.

Sub-Zero: She also used to be engaged to Sprig, it's a long story Talia.

Talia al Ghul: Oh, Okay.

She pants

Maddie: What's the matter with you three?!

Rosemary: We were just trying to play with you.

She groans

Maddie: Well now I definitely don't have time. Go home and help dad with the bakery or something. Sometimes, I wish you three would grow up.

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Aww.

She sighs

Marcy: Ok, Mars. Be cool. Just get out there and introduce yourself with confidence.

Marcy: Hi, there!

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