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Do you ever feel nostalgic for a memory you know you'll only forget...?

Our lives are so full of small moments.
Tiny, minute fragments of memory every single day, that make up an existence. And yet, lately more than not, I've found myself yearning for my childhood memories that are long since forgotten, or on the brink of oblivion within my mind.

Why is it I can remember my first heartbreak.
My first kiss.
My first hangover. 

But I cannot remember my 5th birthday.
My 9th Christmas.
My final day of intermediate. Why does my brain choose which memories to keep, and which it deems unimportant.

I want to remember when I felt childish, young, fit, alive, happy.
Not all my worst moments, I want to know my best.
My funniest, my cleverest, my most in love, and all of my firsts, lasts and everything in between.

Where does it all go... all the memory. All the nostalgia. All of my forgotten yesterday's of time gone past...

Perhaps, I have to let them go.

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