Part 15

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Making it back to the office in late afternoon traffic is easier on the bike, even if somewhat uncomfortable in a suit and wingtips. Riding in the elevator to my floor, I'm wondering how Mallery will act toward me but remind myself that she doesn't get a choice, not today; not after how she treated me earlier.

When I step off the lift, I'm stopped by at least half a dozen people. No one is used to me being out of the office this much without prior notice, so everyone has a small fire they need me to put out for them. Scott approaches me and smiles. "Your assistant has been locked away in your office for the past hour."


"And here are your messages." He hands me a small stack of notes and walks back to his desk. Sighing, I walk to my office and open the door to see Mallery sitting at my desk, typing away on the keyboard. She briefly looks up when I enter but doesn't acknowledge me. She and Steve are so alike it's unnerving.

"Let's wrap it up for the day. I'll take you by to see my place." I flip through the messages not paying any particular attention to her.

"I know you're probably mad at me for earlier, and you have every—"

"You bet your ass I'm mad. Wrap it up. I want to leave in a few minutes." I glance up, looking at her from under my lashes as she squirms in my chair.

"You don't have to speak to me like that; I'm trying to apologize to you." Her eyes narrow at me, and I can see the fire I once knew.

I toss the papers down onto my desk. "Mal, you know me better than anyone, even better than Steve or Nat. You tried to lump me in with one of your abusers when you know damn well I'm nothing like them—nothing like John. I've tried very hard to respect your process and not push you, but now, we're on a time schedule. So, close out what you're working on because we're leaving."

"Is this how you're going to treat me from now on?" Mallery taps a few keys and swipes the mouse before she stands up. "Because I won't put up with it."

"Well, forgive me, Red, but you put up with it for years before now." The look of shock that crosses her face is severe, and I immediately regret my words. "Fuck! Mallery, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, at all."

"You did a little bit, and you have a point." She takes a deep breath. "I am sorry for what I said earlier. I know you and everyone else is just trying to help me. I know you would never ... expect anything from me. I can't believe I said that to you."

"Can we talk about this somewhere else, please?" She meets my gaze and nods.

"I'll gather up my stuff. Why don't you pull your car around the front, and I'll be down in a few minutes." She moves to exit the office when I stop her.

"Yeah, about that ..."

Ten minutes later, I'm sitting astride Steve's bike, but Mallery still has both feet firmly planted on the sidewalk.

"Absolutely not. I've seen Steve drive this thing." Her arms are crossed, making me laugh under the helmet.

"It's the only way you're getting around the rest of the day, so I suggest you take this." I extend the extra helmet again. "And climb on. You're wearing pants, and I promise not to speed."

"You couldn't pay me enough to get on this death trap." She sneers, and I offer up a number. "Tempting but still not enough. Let me just call a cab, or you can pay for a car service."

Angling my body toward her, I smile. "I have a bike at my apartment, and you're going to learn to ride it. If anything should happen, it's easier to get away. You can disappear into traffic and hide down side streets on a bike; you can't do that in a car."

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