Part 7

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Two days into the holiday weekend, after Mallery and I have all but eaten our weight in junk food, Steve calls me on FaceTime to let me know that they're going to take a few more days than they originally planned.

"Natasha is actually working on our trip, and she's going to need a few more days, maybe even another week or two."

"Is everything all right? Do you need me to come pick up Grant?" Natasha's work is ... hazardous. She works as a private military contractor and has ever since she left the Army, but I know she often, without her husband's knowledge, takes on "special" jobs when the money or the mission is right.

I didn't like keeping this secret from my best friend, and I often wondered if he really knew the full extent of what she does; regardless, Nat was good. Nothing was going to happen to either of her boys on her watch.

"No, it's fine. We're having a really great time, actually." He clears his throat. "Mallery called. How are things going?"

"What do you want to know?" I sigh and look out the window from Nat's office where I've been hunkered down for the last few hours, trying to give Steve's sister some space. She'd spent the day at Macy's, clearing out her locker and saying goodbye to her coworkers. I'd left her alone when she got back because she was quiet. And frankly, being around her again so much is ... taxing on my emotions. It's hard to forget everything and put it in the past, even if that's what needs to be done.

"She's going to be working for you? Every day?"

I turn away from the window as I see Mallery step out from the pool house and dip a foot in the pool. "Uh, yeah. Wanda sorta ambushed her. But, it was her decision, Steve. I—"

"I'm not worried about that; I'm worried about you." It's not that Steve and I don't talk about our feelings; we're best friends, and he knows all there is to know about me. But opening up to him about his sister, my feelings toward her ... the emotions and desires I still have for her, it makes me feel troubled.

I don't want him to think that I'm going to try to pressure her or be her savior because I'm not. I would do this for anyone that I know—protect them, shelter them, listen, and support them. I know Mallery is different because I still love her.

"You don't have to worry about me, Steve." I look down to my left hand as I flex. The cybernetic arm has held up so well over the years; it's made of a lightweight but durable metal that took some getting used to but, overall, improved my life. It was a needed improvement to a life that I thought I could survive before. It's a part of me and it's a metaphor.

"Maybe this job for Mallery will be like when I got my arm." I chuckle humorlessly. "She told me she was there. In Maryland. Why didn't you tell me?"

He sighs deeply, and I can imagine the classic Steve Rogers' furrowed brow. "Would you have wanted to know that she was there, but couldn't ... wouldn't stay with you?"

It would have been harder that time when I wanted her and needed her the most. "No, I suppose you're right." I sink down into Nat's desk chair and swing lightly back and forth. "She's her own person, Steve. I've always known that, respected that. Whatever I help her to accomplish will be for her ... not some ulterior motive to get her to be with me."

"I know that, Buck. I do." He clears his throat. "Has she told you anything about what happened? About John and what he did?"

This was the moment Mallery knew would come, and as much as I wanted to give him a clearer idea, to let him know my suspicions, I'd made her a promise. I wouldn't break it.

"She told me a few things, but I doubt it's anything more than what she told you or Nat. I know someone down at family court; I'll see what she needs to do to get the protection order set up." I sit staring at the family pictures on the wall behind Nat's desk.

The smiling family, who has been a staple in my life before Grant was even a glimmer in his parents' eyes, haunts me right now.

"C'mon, Bucky, she told you something, didn't she?"

I roll my eyes and start to swing around to face my phone that is propped up on the desk where I know Steve is looking at me, trying to gauge my reaction. What I see before I look down at my device is Mallery, standing in the doorway to the office. I smile gently, and she takes a tentative seat in the leather armchair.

"Steve, talk to your sister when you get back. Whatever she has to tell you is her story, and she'll do it in her own time." I smirk down at him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Hello, Mallery. We're going to be gone another week. I'll see you two soon." He gives me a small salute, and Mal calls out an "I love you" before we hang up.

The silence lingers between us as Mallery picks at the hem of her shorts, and I watch her for a sign of anything. I want her to speak, to scream, to cry ... too often, she's just quiet, empty.

"I didn't tell him anything." Mallery picks her head up and locks her eyes with mine. "I swear. He asked, but—"

"I believe you." Her voice is soft but hoarse. I can feel the relief wash over me, but something about her presence makes me uneasy.

"What's wrong?"

She takes a deep breath, and I brace for impact. "I put a dent in your car."

"Oh, that's okay. I'm not worried about the car." I lean back in the chair and smile softly. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"I saw John. He was waiting for me at work when I got there." She drops her gaze to her hands nestled in her lap and begins to pick at her nails.

I can feel the fear and anger rise up inside me, making my blood boil, but I take a deep breath before I speak. "Did he speak to you? Touch you?" If he hurt her, I'll kill him.

She nods. "He was pleading for me to come home." I watch as her hands tighten into fists as her head snaps up to look at me. "I ignored him at first; I thought that was the right move. But he followed me inside and started yelling at me. Security escorted him out, but I think he was following me. I tried to lose him, but I pulled into Sunoco too fast, and I fishtailed a little on something, maybe oil, and—"

"Mal, are you okay? Take a breath, Red." She stops talking and looks at me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry, Bucky. I just ... I panicked. Tash taught me how to lose a tail, and I ..." Mallery spreads her hands out in front of her as a way of explanation, and I nod.

"I'm glad she did." I get up and cross to the window that faces the street and glance out between the drapes. "Did he follow you?"

"I don't think so. Like, I'm 90 percent sure he didn't." She stands up and joins me at the window. "I don't see his car. He drives an older red Dodge Camaro."

"Good." Turning to her, I sigh, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "You did great. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, but ..." She leans into my arm and wraps her arms around me. "I don't think I want to stay in the pool house tonight. Would it be all right if I stayed in Steve and Tash's room?"

"Of course." I give her a slight squeeze and make a mental note to do a security circuit later and text Nat. "Why don't you go get your stuff for the next few days, and we can figure out what your next move is."

She pulls away, nodding. I watch as she wipes at a stray tear, but I feel slightly relieved that she isn't sobbing. I feel like I could break at any moment and having put on a strong front is strangely helping me right now.

I watch her walk down the stairs before I text Nat and explain what happened. I need to know what she has stashed around the house ... in case he shows up.

I also need to get Mallery that protection order and back into the city. It's big and densely populated—easier to hide her in. Easier to keep an eye on John. 

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