Part 3

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A week into my stay, as a long holiday weekend approaches, I get a call from Nat in which she threatens my life if I don't show my face around her house for dinner.

"We set a place for you every night. Grant misses you."

Since I can't say no to the kid, I promise I'll be home at a decent hour and make the trek from the city back out to Jersey. When I let myself in, I can hear music coming from the kitchen and Grant's laughter. I walk in to find Steve and Mallery prepping kabobs, and when I clear my throat, Steve looks up and smiles.

"We're grilling tonight." He holds up a skewer triumphantly, and I laugh.

"That's good 'cause you can't cook for shit."

"Language," he mutters as Grant runs up and tackles my legs.

"Uncle Bucky, Mommy and Daddy said you were working too much!" He's hopping frantically around in front of me, and I can't help but laugh and hoist him up with my left arm.

"I have been! Have you been good? Paying attention in school?" I drop my bag and begin to tickle him.

His giggles fill the air until he starts screaming that he'll pee, and Mallery warns me with a knowing look that he really will. I set him down, and he goes back to his tablet, and I mumble about heading upstairs to change.

"Nat's in the office. She wants a word," Steve says as I hit the stairs, bag in hand. I duck into my room and shut the door behind me. I shuck out of my suit and pull on some sweats and a shirt, and then pad across the hall to find Nat sitting at her desk, staring out the window.

I lean against the doorjamb, and clear my throat. "Hey."

"Oh, hi. When'd you get home?" She turns and sets her steely gaze on me. She looks a little tired, a little worn down, and I know she's worried about something. Steve and I may be best friends, but the bond between me and Nat is ... well, it's strong. We're like family.

"Just a few minutes ago. Steve said you wanted to talk." I step into the room and plop down into the worn leather armchair situated across from the desk.

I watch as she leans back and sighs. "We're going out of town for the weekend, plus a few extra days."

"Okay, is this a reminder not to throw a rager?" I chuckle, but when Nat doesn't join me, I shut up quickly.

"No, this is a plea to keep an eye on Mal." She eyes the door, and I lean over and pull it shut.

"What's going on?"

"He's been showing up at her job, harassing her," she tells me, and I can feel my hands tighten into fists. "Steve's had to follow her home a few times in the last couple weeks."

"I thought they weren't going to let him in?"

"Well, she talked to security, so he just approaches her on the street." She shrugs, and I can see her resolve slipping as her lip trembles. "Steve ... he doesn't know what he did to her. And I couldn't live with myself if—"

"Nothing's going to happen to her, okay? I'll keep an eye on her while you're gone, and honestly, if this is a problem, she can start riding with me to and from the city."


"No, look." I scrub my hands over my face. "I know I never gave two shits about what Mallery was doing for the last few years, but ... I don't want her to end up like their mom, all right?"

"You're a good man, Bucky Barnes."

"Yeah, don't let that get out." I chuckle. "Does she have a protection order?"

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